(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

akira^8GB wrote:

This came right in time, I was fucking bored at the office and needed a diversion.

So much this


(175 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I want that gameboy she has that apparently doesn't need a cart to make music.

Kommisar wrote:

fakebit is allowed. hehe

Ehhh, I'm all for allowing it but there should be some stipulations. Ie limiting number of channels, polyphony, etc. Should be trying to emulate a retro system not adding a magical8bit channel over an otherwise non-8bit song. Slippery slope.

Lol just noticed the "fucking 2PLAYER". Had a good laugh

OMG yes. What a theme!

Definitely digging on yours roboctopus

Well said Jredd.

I sent 8-Bit 5 themes. I tried to make them as descriptive as your past ones. I find it a lot easier to write when you have a well written theme or description. I think the ones I sent along were pretty funny too.

Speaking of the bi-weekly, where is it this week?

Unless there is a way to get the comments section removed it doesn't seem like it matters

Haha well I had better get thinking then :-P

Throw me down for LSDJ as well

I'll have to PM you some of the ideas I've come up with either way

Having the winner create the next theme is such a cool idea! If this is how it'll work we should all submit 1 theme to 8BitRex so when the winner is announced the next comp can go live immediately after.

If you end up running both shows keep the submittal dates the way they are: bi-weekly on fri weekly on Sunday. I like the extra time when they overlap smile

I like the idea of the blog as well. Let me know when you hav it up so I can follow with mine

Yes. Wav+noise only big_smile also one without drums

Sounds like it's a community effort now, I'll help in any way I can.

LSDJ here as well. May start to use it more often for these challenges