Bowmore single malt scotch whiskey and an ice cube.

I have been using FL since 2001. Now most of my hardware is integrated with it (midiNES, arduinoboy, segaMDM, many many more things)

omg someone make me a midi interface for my n64 now

Very nicely done! You hit upon a lot of great topics as well as ideas and ended with a terrific insight: putting the time into something you really are passionate about to understand it on all levels truly makes you a master of your craft.


(25 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Ya, I have to agree with Danimal here. It seems like you could easily create some better sounding percussion noises with a little creativity. Like the classic sounding megaman kick with a piano roll rather than mushing all the keys down at once. Seems like the point though is to create something someone could never play by stacking tons of notes into the song. The outcome, at least to me, sounds less like music and more like a competition to see how many notes you can actually use and still have a recognizable song.


(47 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I checked this morning. It was there but you could not purchase yet. Listed at $34.


(47 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The M01D will be available on the 3DS eShop.

PianoGameboy was saying that DS games are not region locked including the M01. So if you already had a 3DS/DS and wished to use the cart you do not need a japanese console.


(47 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Glad I noticed there was a new page. Was just about to reply with the same comment.

Personally, I would wait for the M01D as you can now save to the SD card on the 3DS. I have the cart but I will definitely be getting the M01D just for this (well and the convenience of having it always on my DS). Plus you can exchange songs via wifi.


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:

Yeah that sounds pretty good to me. Personally I ask for half of flat up front but hey - whatever floats your boat.

Yes. I also do half up front with the other half payable on delivery of the tracks.

I also cap how many times they can have me rework a song. None of this "this track isn't exactly what I envisioned down to the last note so therefore it's not perfect and hence me not paying you"


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not to beat a dead horse here or anything but asking for a $$ amount per song is silly. Per song is so arbitrary because a song could be a 15 second loop for a pause screen or maybe they want an 8 minute tour de force. A decent alternative would be to charge for song length. Come up with some number you think would be a fair amount for creating a 1:00 long song based on the amount of time you put into it. Balance that number with whatever you ask for in royalties. Unless you see the game going crazy good (i always like to play the game before writing for it) chances are the team wont be making money hand over fist so an upfront payment may be the way to go with a small % of royalties. Also, negotiate to retain the rights to you song or charge more for them to retain the rights. I think these are some standard practices. Also, I dont think many people will tell you upfront what their rates are.

Best of luck!


(5 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

The message is still there but listed as sent from "<empty>"


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Jredd wrote:
Jazzmarazz wrote:

Who's even making midines anymore?

2PLAYER? big_smile

I think he means who physically makes the carts. I don't want people thinking I do that lol


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

This is too good. Please ease up next time to the point where I can say "okay, this is humanly possible."


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Glitch Militia wrote:

I've tried to remember a game for years. I THINK it was for PC, but it might have been for Atari.

It's a 2D sidescroller. You are a caveman, and you have a club. You walk around pounding other cavemen, and collecting powerups and food. I remember a fried turkey or something. Sometimes there would be caves you could enter, and also I think there where bears aswell.


Big Nose the Caveman?

I believe FF6 is up on there already.

AuburnKitsune wrote:

too busy playing AC:NL u_u

That game is crack. Pure and simple. My fiancé and I were addicted to it. I had to quit cold turkey so I could play other games. She's still playing....