mackie mr-5s.. love them

environmental sound collapse - dead enough for both of us

4 tracks of pushing what can be done with piggy->midi control of three drum machines: a bent tr-505, a bent rx-17 & an unbent tr-626 with the individual bass out being run through a boss super overdrive and the individual snare out through a boss ds-1 distortion and a boss oc-2 octave. no samples were used. no other devices were used.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

lissajou wrote:

thats an idea! move the show to chicago big_smile

haha, i bet im in at least a few of those videos where someone isnt moving, though if youve seen what im usually doing with gear (multiple game boys, lotsa midi, sometimes two whole tables of gear, all depends on what songs im doing) or the gigs where ive improv collabed with calbee or dise, well, to be honest if i were moving, i couldnt really move much even if i were the dancing type
ill bet you also were seeing negative comments about people who ONLY push play then just dance around instead of doing something a little different live (after all, LSDJ has a live mode and nanoloop is built for live play)

im pretty sure this whole thing is mistakenly thinking that being true to your artistic direction by not trying to write things specifically as crowd-pleasers and trying to not entertain the audience are somehow the same thing


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

NeX wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

(shrug) just thought i should point that out as a staff member
id agree with you IF the other thread had been in existence before this one, and upon completion of the unit you chose to sell it, but this just feels like two threads to get extra views and sell it faster

well it was built purely for sale so i suppose that cant be helped.

the problem i have had before is when i have put a build blog up of something i am selling it gets moved to the for sale section. anything in the forsale section gets lost and people don't read it.

i wanted this project to inspire people (which is has on some other sites) but also i want it to sell because i need the money.

and actually the blog thread was up first, and i only post a build blog thread after i finish a project.

that wouldn't really be a blog thread so much then, as a thread about completed projects which you intend to sell...if in the past theyve been moved here by other staff members, that should have indicated to you that this is the proper place for those threads


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

(shrug) just thought i should point that out as a staff member
id agree with you IF the other thread had been in existence before this one, and upon completion of the unit you chose to sell it, but this just feels like two threads to get extra views and sell it faster


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

this really shouldnt be two threads. the for/sale trade one is where you should have all the info


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Battle Lava wrote:

aww that's mean ;______;

well, maybe you alex smile
i just mean im going to be selective, since i only get three and i have about 200 musicians for friends smile


(20 replies, posted in General Discussion)

im on muxtape, and none of you can have my invites tongue

my response to hecklers is usually to look at them like im going to make their head explode...seems to work for me

for the record: id never think choosing what material of yours that you plan to play based on where you're playing or with who is "compromising" your sound...


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

µB wrote:
calmdownkidder wrote:

Not really, I know plenty of people who don't have a account :\

Of course. It's about as representative as TV quotes- still useful for making relative comparisons.

not as much, the tv ratings, they make sure to get a decent cross sampling across the range of demographics, while is just a whoever uses it, uses it kind of thing

for example, lets say's user base is somehow (and its not) all 13-19 year olds...if artist x has a wider audience among teens than artist y, but artist y has an even bigger lead among people in their 30s, so has more overall listeners in real life. yet shows artist x as having more listeners and plays as their main audience uses while artist y's does not

tv ratings and all statistical data that is looked at as scientifically valid had to follow pretty strict guidelines for measuring and collecting, which falls very short of

edit: this is a fine example, look at the total number of listeners on lady gaga, the beatles & muse

muse seems to have more listeners that use than the beatles


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

RushCoil wrote:
RushJet1 wrote:

We haven't met "in real life" yet so there's still time.

What's that? You're in the state directly south of me? Oh shit, I thought all the other chip artists were in New York.  Well if we ever do meet, let's make it Dec 2012 so all the conspiracy theories and whatnot can be true.

I was just in your area this weekend, insanity (6 hour drive from my place). You should come play in this Gainesville concert so we can have a Rush battle.

if you mean bleep south 3, then yes, do it..i'll be there too to help add to possible-end-of-the-world-type-situation vibes smile

Rainbowdragoneyes wrote:

