have fun, shame i couldn't go... 8cylinder is great live

cex is awesome and all, but not chip music. plus i like the album title "maryland mansions" more.. like that album more too smile

oh right, i was supposed to track this down for Keff and forgot sad
glad you got around to it though

Feryl wrote:

I thought this was the main regrouping site after 8BC died.

this site was started while 8bc was very much still alive, by (mostly) ex-8bc staff... wasn't ever meant as 8bc 2.0, more of a redirection towards what we felt was important: the free exchange of advice/tips/troubleshooting/etc, so if people came here expecting it to be the new 8bc they were always going to be disappointed ... the decision to include a music section was there from the start, but it was also considered to be a less important feature of the site since by 2010 there were many other options available for someone to upload tracks and share them. part of this thought was a reaction against the perceived changes in atmosphere on 8bc after the introduction of the top ten charts, it seemed to bring in a lot of negative behavior (for example people making dozens of dummy accounts in attempts to get their preferred tracks on the charts and excessive amounts of severely harsh comments on tracks, etc)... i personally don't listen to pretty much any individual tracks on here, but i was the same way on 8bc too, after 2008 or so...

or not. from the article

It seems that the Vita will live as Andrew House’s were only meant for older versions of the handheld. “What Andy mentioned as ‘legacy platform’ was a part of the write-off the PS Vita component for the first generation of PS Vita, which is no longer available in the market. And he did not directly mean the current PS Vita and PS TV models, which are available in the market. Our portable business will be continued, and many users are now enjoying PS4 remote play features as well as original PS Vita game titles on PS Vita and PS TV,” a Sony executive said to Gamesbeat.

Read more at http://gamingbolt.com/sony-confirms-end … TVew4Ui.99 "

Bit Shifter wrote:

Any Lissajou release title

good call

Saturos wrote:
e.s.c. wrote:

headphone out adapters use the power connection, not the link cable connection
all SP's are backlit, just the newer ones have a brighter setting and a normal vs the old ones with only one brightness level (which is more than adequate)

Slight clarification: only the second gen sp's were backlit. The older ones were in fact fronlit.

As far as I'm aware, the hardware is otherwise the same.

if you want to nitpick about details, sure. i just didnt want him to think there was no light for the gba sp screen

my rating is based entirely on sound preference. DS's are the only ones you can't sync to anything else, GBA/GBA SP are easiest to find a wide range of cables for sync use (either to other game boys or to arduinoboy/nanoloop midi usb), GB micro link cables i think may have only been made in GB micro to GB micro (at least that's all i ever saw), and anything else would require some splicing of cables.

and i'd rate it GBASP>GBM>DS>GBA (having owned and used all 4 with nanoloop 2.3 at one point or another)

pselodux wrote:

SP is good if you get the backlit version (AGS-101). That said, the audio out is through the link cable port only, unless you mod it.

headphone out adapters use the power connection, not the link cable connection
all SP's are backlit, just the newer ones have a brighter setting and a normal vs the old ones with only one brightness level (which is more than adequate)

oh, and that cheapo one linked above isn't too bad. i've bought the same one before and it does the job fine, just not super durable. first one bit the bullet aftera few years of use (can't complain for the price though, just may be worth ordering two since theyre so cheap anyway)

it should have no issue, unless for some reason windows 8 hates all class compliant midi gear (very very doubtful that it wouldn't work)


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Popsicle Theory wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

You guys have to understand that there was this old site that people got really heated about the likes on, and everyone who wasn't a dick came here, and then the old one died, so the weird rules meant to prevent the new place from becoming the old people all the sudden made less sense.

I miss 8bc

i wouldn't say with 8bc dying that the rules and policies on chipmusic designed to keep it from turning into 8bc 2.0 "made less sense", but rather made even more sense.. 8bc was bound to burn out run that way, staff turnover there was very high as things required far more moderation and people generally responded well to contact from admins issuing warnings... chipmusic.org, on the other hand, i think only 3 of us have left? (me, low-gain and i forget who else)... sure people might miss offtopic of the top ten based on most likes, but i have to say those two features probably created 90% of the work for the moderation team during my time on 8bc staff...

SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:

If i had money right now id get a shell one with hdmi. Doing lofi visuals in such a small device is only useful

why hdmi for lofi visuals? most video projectors take composite video, which this seems to already have and doing lofi in hd seems a bit odd

weird, i saw a few for around $60 on US ebay the other week (and tx81z for $100). maybe try and find a US seller who will ship overseas if there is a big price disparity

i am working on something, not 100% sure it'll be done in time (keep jumping between a few different remixes i'm working on right now)