Maybe not strictly a chiptune thing here, but figured folks here may have some ideas...I'm trying to replicate a sound that I've been hearing in music for years, but am just not quiet sure where to start. It's this sort of melodic tom tom sound with heavy reverb that kind of sounds almost like musical notes. I am not sure if maybe there's a specific way to get it, but I thought I'd reach out to the folks here.

The simplest thing i thought of would be just to take a good tom sample, then load it in a sampler so that it would pitch up and down as i hit different keys on the keyboard. But it seems like there is more than the sound to this.

Tools I have that might come in handy:
EW Storm Drum 2
EW Quantum Spaces Reverb
Logic pro 9

Just wondering if anyone's ever happened across a sample kit for something like this?


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Really  digging this..make a whole album. i will buy!

Love it.

Interesting lo-fi stuff..Really liked Arizona dreaming, sort of M.Ward-ish..


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

jmc1987 wrote:
BeatScribe wrote:

I was really psyched about the retron5, but now I'm psyched about this!!! … escription … o-emulate/

Its just a Pi inside you so could do your own mods pretty easily.

I think the Game Kid looks cool too, but since it's just a Raspberry Pi that can run emulators, it's hardly the same as a Retron5, so not really an alternative.

Well it does have Hdmi out and support usb controllers. But no, it's not the exact same thing I guess.

I mentioned this in another thread. Maybe you guys already know about it, maybe not, but I think it'd appeal to folks here:

I love that it has ScummVM!!! … escription


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I was really psyched about the retron5, but now I'm psyched about this!!! … escription … o-emulate/

Its just a Pi inside you so could do your own mods pretty easily.


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I'll just leave this here.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Man Ive been waiting for more stuff from you.

It's not really chip, but most people here seem to be pretty good at synths in general, so I thought it can't hurt to ask. There is something sort of airy about this bass tone, I can't figure out how they're achieving that sound..any thoughts?

Base starts around 0:40.

I have one, but its currently in another state with my brother in law. Are you interested in modifying your ps2? I was working on a blog post to show how to do it, with the goal of putting all the snes/nes/genesis emulators on it. All you need to buy to go from a normal ps2 is a copy of a certain 007 game, and some blank CDs to burn various bits of software you need. I bought the game on Amazon and the rest is pretty easy.

I sure would like to know like, whats the story, or if one is even revealed...

It really is an odd one. There was one point in the video where you were just like spiraling thru some void past tons of chickens, some of which were connected by lasers. i was like what is happening here!?

This reminds me of the radiohead Kid A/Amnesiac art if it was turned into a trippy enigmatic nightmarish video game. It also made me think of gaming urban legends like Killswitch. Even the website is a trip...


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Super happy and fun. Love it.

Get those crazy Wave sounds from LsDj in Plogue Chipsounds. … -tutorial/