Oh man, they look hot.
And just after I spent a saturday spraypainting up a black&whiteboy. Dammit.


(119 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

So first thing - the line when you turn it off is normal.
Secondly, I don't know what you might have done when you opened up the DMG, but if you say the contacts are greenish, that almost always means leaked battery acid. Clean it off my getting some white vinegar, putting it on a cuetip or other small cotton tip, and rubbing it into the green. It'll melt like wax vs flame. Good luck!


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Cool, if you're working on something like that kitsch, i'll wait to see what you've got to destroy my wallet with once again heart


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thebitman wrote:

There was a guide a year or so ago on this forum about making LED-lit buttons, I'll try and dig it up. I know kitsch has been working on silicone-like buttons with LED holes for at least a year (it's somewhere in his shop thread), but you can drill your own holes and put the LEDs in yourself on clear buttons (you may want to sand the outside to change the light diffraction, as well as cut notches for the LED legs to escape through for wiring in series).

Hard to execute, almost ALWAYS stunning when done smile looks great!

Yeah, I imagine this is the easy bit though. Getting the LEDs to be sound reactive with the DMG's audio?


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Burnfingers wrote:
DogTag wrote:

Cool mod! Did you use a microcontroller? And the "input"? Pre-pot connection?

Shhhhhhh you'll give it away! >_< lol something like that. I started with a Antec USB light-stick weirdthingy i got at PDXLAN that had a sound reactive circuit based on a mic, and started tinkering with it to see what i could do. Once i managed to get rid of the mic lol i built this with what was left:

After that i spent some time being creative and came up with the reactive button lights idea and another one, an activity indicator LED that lets you tell at a glance if your DMG output is active. Both got installed in that DMG, which is for sale btw smile

Amazing! Could we bother you for a tutorial on how to do this and exactly what parts to buy?
Or are you going the "a-magician-never-reveals-his-secrets" route?


(23 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Isn't that cream stuff "whipple"?

That was beautiful. I loved the tempo section in particular.

Things that will improve this:

Run a spell check before posting. "Alot" is a monster, not a word.
Capitalise those I's.
Bump up the brightness of that purple if it's going to be on black (which looks nice).


(19 replies, posted in Trading Post)

So damn tempting....ughhh.


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Man, that sucks. I wont patronise you and say that everything is going to be ok, but stay strong, and we'll be sending our positive vibes your way. Best of luck in Vegas.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kuma wrote:

Chiptune, both the music and the community, saved my life when I was on the verge of suicide after a horrible string of events, most notably being left by my ex-fiance for another man.  that was painful.  fortunately, a friend reached out to me and invited me to Blipfest 2012, which was not only my introduction to chiptune but where I met my good friend I helped get to MAGFest, as well as many of you.  In that festival, I found myself and a reason for living, and have since dedicated my free time to enjoying this community and giving back to it.

Man, that's some powerful stuff right there! I'm really glad you found chipmusic. I hope you let your friend know he potentially saved your life!


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:

tbh i'm a big boy and i can (probably) look after myself, but sleepovers are fun and we can stay up talking about the boys we like and have at least one pillow fight! tongue

Hahaha, pillow fights, hair braiding, and snes!
Done and done, next time soundbytes rolls around or whateverz.

Einstein In Space - Has a pretty nice intro, slowly warms you up to the track. In my opinion, the sound feels a little flat, maybe a bit more EQ work to push things out a bit. Overall melodies are cheerful and nice smile Composition is decent, also.


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kitsch wrote:

tell them you like what they are doing, be appreciative towards them.  too many people only put forward the effort when they are feeling negative towards something, somehow this negativity is more motivating.  and (awesomely) most everyone in this scene is very accessible and responsive. 

buy their stuff

go to shows if you're able (online/real life dichotomy breakdown!)

learn something new, and then share/teach this to other people when you can, and you'll end up being a student for a second time.  become an ambassador and you'll continue to grow in the matter.  i'm ripping off someone's quote i think i read on a bumper sticker, but whatever. 

reach out to them about their technique!  most people would love to share.  the 'how' of chipmusic is really as novel a thing as the music that's being made from the how.  the 'post your home/gig setup' thread on this site is a great example to illustrate the creativity of some people before they even make a noise

it seems like people are wanting more online interaction re: constructive criticism.  maybe jump in on that boat? 

this community doesn't really orbit around a central hard-edged identity, its a very fuzzy-edged group i think.  which sometimes means there is some general dispute over exactly what 'is' is, sure, but its also great ground for bringing in new ideas and working new concepts into whatever it is you're doing.  i think the best way any of us could help out this community is simply to bring our strong points/skills into whatever it is we're doing either in the purist center of the group or off in the fuzzy edges, or wherever you fall in between.  you'll also find that you might be able to interact with the community in a way which will allow you to train yourself up on the skills you already possess.  symbiotic relationship.  i bet there is a name for this in group-systems and networks studies lit somewhere

Thanks for taking the time to write all that, and on the topic of appreciating people, me (and most people here) love your work with kitschbent. In my opinion it's one of the most helpful ways to give back to a community. I was actually thinking a couple of days ago I'd love to buy some kind of kitschbent merch, like a tshirt with your nice logo (or maybe a design similar to your business card, with the pixel clouds and the little houses) on it to show my gratitude. I assume you've had these in the past but they finished their run?


(37 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Victory Road wrote:
SJSFC wrote:

let chiptune musicians sleep on your couch or floor. share your food, hot water and toilet paper until you send them on their merry way.

so josh, if you could put me up for a soundbytes night that'd be gr8 :v

and you can totally stay at my place when there's a thing on sydney (even though i'm about an hour out of the city haha)

That sounds excellent, I'm about an hour from the city in melb too so this would definitely work both ways smile
In the past, have you had to get a hotel, etc?