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Topics by Calavera
Posts found: 225-240 of 281
spacetownsavior wrote:it's YOUR art. you don't need validation from us to write music, and if you do, you should probably stop writing music.
P.S. that second release of mine had a total of zero comments! but I was proud of it so I didn't care.
This is really powerful.
I suppose it's human nature for us to seek approval and/or validation from others, at least a little (and not just in music either).
But yeah, I really respect your music and by the sounds of things, I respect your thoughts on things too.
I think it's a good idea. But i'm new, so my opinion doesn't matter 
SuperBustySamuraiMonkey wrote:That shell is definetely gorgeous. Sometimes I find myself staring at it for no reason instead of working
Yeah, Kitsch did a really good job on it. It *feels* great in your hands too 
DogTag wrote:Beautiful! Does it have any mods?
Not yet, just restored it from a piece of shit that didn't work, had heaps of vertical lines etc etc.
Modding comes next as i'm learning as I go. I have a purple biverted backlight ready and waiting.
Grymmtymm wrote:UV as in you have some sort of UV light you're going to put in it?
No, the case is UV reactive. But I'd love to install some UV LEDs inside it at a later date.
10k wrote:I recall that Jim Cuomo (Defender Of The Crown OST among many, many others) used straight code for a lot of his soundtracks.
Oh man, that game had some great music. So much more impressive knowing that.
spacetownsavior wrote:ok, I'm biting again -- my first real gig was at a bar I had never heard of before and I was SUPER stiff (as in, didn't move while playing) during the whole thing. that's where I met my bro4lyfe mike bleeds and we nerded out about lsdj and chiptune and eventually admitted that we had cyber-stalked the other before the show! he's told me multiple times that he was super stoked to have at least one more guy in San Diego doing chiptune.
you can find the youtube video somewhere but you probably shouldn't because it's awful 
That's what its all about I suppose, meeting people with similar interests and hitting it off, etc
Victory Road wrote:oh dude, last year at blip aus open mic i was stupid like roboctopus and didnt drink any water so i was rad thirsty afterwards
the bar has a "special" on "rave juice" or some shit idk but it was like $25 a jug or something crazy
so i go up to the bar to grab a cup of water, there's two jugs full of clear liquid next to each other so i grab the one on the left and pour a cup
before i start to chug i notice trash80 and ctrix standing there looking at me like "wtf are you doing"
i'm like "oh... this isn't water, is it?"
they're like "nope"
i pour it all back into the jug and we all had a good chuckle
AuburnKitsune wrote:if you happen to be playing a show the same day as trash80 and someone comes up to you and asks you to hold onto an OP-1......dont take it.
Were you planning on stealing it? Those things are freaking expensive, the thought would probably have crossed my mind. 
Pretty sick.
What kind of beautiful light cylinder thing is that on the right of frame? Whatever it is, I need it.
I appreciate the obviously deliberate orange/teal light you've got going on.
e.s.c. wrote:serious advice: use the restroom first... not much fun holding in an urge to piss during your set
Oh man, that'd be the worst. As if the pressure of your first performance isn't enough!
Men of Mega wrote:...and eventually we played EINDBAAS 8 together with Covox and Bit Shifter (who was our biggest inspiration to start making chiptunes in the first place
Wow, lucky!
Heosphoros wrote:Played a bunch of WIPs from my first album in front of roughly 15 people, most of them my friends and the rest were the staff of the bar. Huge venue and it felt empty as hell. Got wasted on free beer and then drank a pint of vodka with a friend in the bathroom. Ended up screaming "Fuck Ozzy Osborn" and "Worship Satan" a few time through out my set, as there was an Ozzy Osborn tribute show at the bar connected to the one I was playing in. Went outside for a smoke and then got caught with the leftover vodka in my pocket. Got black listed from my own show. Snuck in from the back to pack my shit and then left with out getting paid.
True Chip 'Till Death
So metal.
DataFix wrote:It was a 3 song set at an open mic, my music was awful though, and i was using stock lsdj kits for drums. I can't believe how bad it was, and why i wanted to play i don't even know. Hahaha. But the response was surprisingly really good, which was weird.
I'm in an extremely similar situation, short open mic thing coming up, newb chipmusician, don't know why I want to do this to myself, etc etc.
I suppose I just want to throw myself in the deep end and see what I learn from it. If one or two people look up from their drinks and clap I'll be over the moon.
roboctopus wrote:I recommend bringing something to drink onstage (water, alcohol, whatev) because I didn't and I got very thirsty.
Good thinking!
Also that was an awesome sound and crowd for your first gig!
Think back to your first chipmusic performance in front of strangers.
What did you do to prepare, what was the crowd like, did things go wrong? Did things go oh-so right?
I'd love to hear your stories, and maybe even learn a thing or two about what to do, what not to do, etc.
Posts found: 225-240 of 281 / Forums / Posts by Calavera