(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Noted. Any suggestions of coatings I SHOULD use?


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'm thinking of paying a friend of mine to paint a spare DMG case I have laying around, due to her artistic skills and my lack thereof. The plan is to give it some sort of weathered sheet metal look. I won't give all of the plan because I plan to put pics up here when its done (-:

My question is: what kind of protective coating should I use on it when its done? I feel like if I'm paying someone to do it, I certainly don't want the entire design to just scratch off. Any specific sprays you guys recommend/other methods of protection?


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

katsumbhong wrote:

I might have some laying around,

Weren't you asking this same exact thing yesterday?


(19 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Jeez, that's a really nice deal. Hope everything works arite!

Totally just get a 64M from Kitsch, it works great. Granted, Drag n' derp holds much more, but it also costs 2.5x as much.


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

bryface wrote:

cons: the highly suspect kerning between the "A" and "Y" in your bandcamp header image


Great songs!


(49 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I'm not always a huge fan of modded gameboys with Kitsch's cases, but I can honestly say that these are some of the greatest gameboys I've ever seen. Wish I had $$ for the green one.

Had tons of fun seeing you guys in the Garfield Artworks in PGH last summer. Hope we didn't scare you off from coming again XD

To keep things short and sweet, the gameboy I recently got has decided to occasionally stop working while playing games. Essentially, I'll just be moving around pallet town, then for a split second it looks like glitch graphics are being displayed, then the screen goes blank until I reset.

This seems like the kind of undocumented strange issue that's people usually say they fix via replacing caps. Before I actually buy them, does anyone else have any other ideas of what this could be?


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

kitsch wrote:

like stalactites, or -mites.  whichever goes from ground upwards in a cave...

To quote Bill Nye, "StalacTITES hold TIGHT to the ceiling, stalagMITEs MIGHT reach the top.


(10 replies, posted in Past Events)

Damn! Wish I'd have known about this a few days earlier, I coulda totally gone. Stupid me, making plans for things...


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cut Copy
The Postal Service
Tally Hall (really small group)
They Might be Giants

...and some others I can't think of at the moment.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Right, forgot about the vendor's license thing. By the way, I'm that one kid who spent most of the entire first day hanging around your table and gave you a screen protector for your DMG. I'm hooked now XD


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

If you guys go to Maker Faire in Detroit again, I'd totally grab a few ;-)

Also, you should go to Maker Faire again.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here's a great article which shows the all different systems in the gameboy line, with sound comparisons for each.


As Kris said, the DMG comes out on top for sound quality. The SP is a great little console (I still have mine from my childhood), and it'll let you use LSDJ or whatever other game you want to use. Hope this helps!

Edit: when I posted, I saw your other response. The original gameboy is iconic for both gaming and the chiptune community, hence fanboyism.


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

My entire family is PAINFULLY musical, and I've been surrounded by music since I was -8 months old. Took a bunch of music and chorus classes in school, too.

All in all though, I find that listening to a lot of music in the genre you're working with is the best way to learn.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

theghostservant wrote:
little-scale wrote:

Let's start a Game Boy religion.

and have monthly gatherings

Count me in.