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Topics by viciousitaly
Posts found: 17-32 of 115
Charmiene wrote:why don't you just EQ down the highs and lows on your master channel and then mix with that?
I think having monitors that you need to EQ in order to get unbiased sound probably goes against the idea of using them as a reference in the first place?
I had thought that the point of nice monitors was to have neutral, unbiased sound for clarity in mixing/mastering, though I've never owned any.
edit: derp, thanks esc, at least I wasn't off the mark
turboninja wrote:Where to find lsvj ? All links are dead ? Any body know where to contact sidabitball ?
Links in ilkke's post worked fine for download purposes for me. Would be sweet if someone had the documentation though.
IndigoChild wrote:jefftheworld, will users be able to upload patches to a database or is this strictly for recording what you created?
jefftheworld wrote:I'm currently adding the ability to sync to a web database so users can share instantly by subscribing to other users. It's a super simple system, users can create an account and share any or all of their patches. Other users can then choose to follow that user and they are henceforth able to view all the patches that person uploads.
jefftheworld wrote:I'll probably do a beta release next weekend if anyone wants it and it'll hit the market for free soon after.
Also would love to beta this. I run Android 4.2.2 [AOKP ROM] on my Samsung Galaxy S II.
stargazer wrote:I could send mid week probably...I'll let you know.
Dope, just shoot me a PM or something and I can paypal you whenever.
jackary wrote:Dmg shells? Mate, I'm your man!
Wanna put an album of pix up somewhere?
jerkemy wrote:Thanks! Hey, viciousitaly, you're in PDX too? What's your radio show?
From PDX, go to school in Walla Walla. My radio show (which is chip-themed) is Saturdays at 1pm on KWCW.
I'd consider trades for pockets, colors, DMG shells...anything really. Anything you're trying to get rid of?
Love love love!! Playing this on my radio show right now. 
headphones are disassembled right now but they are these puppies.

There's a little corrosion (or maybe just fuzzy stuff?) in one of the pots/dials (aw yeah separate volume controls!) and that ear doesn't work, but they might function with a lil' cleaning.
stargazer, I'm in eastern WA, US. That work for ya?
kineticturtle wrote:shit, viciousitaly, I'm really sorry, I think it did get lost. The MGB was JUST paid for. I'm so awfully sorry!
No worries! Now I don't have to feel guilty about spending money that I probably shouldn't... 
stargazer wrote:
Yay I'm finally cool!
Interested in selling any...?
Looking for an e-reader for an experiment. I have some things for trade that you could modify or circuit bend, including:
- a funky little CASIO keyboard that has a cartridge slot on it for music cartridges, tons of LEDs built in, etc - lots of possibilities
- vintage 80s headphones (huge! phat!)
- the brains of a DDR dancepad
- complete brain and parts of a generic SNES controller (works fine, it's just in pieces)
Teh D3th St4r wrote:I'm in Stockton (re. Hell) right now, but I'll get right on it as soon as I get home.
Oh god, I feel your pain. One week of that city was plenty for me.
Let me know what the status of my SNES is, if you get the chance. Good luck with projects!
PM'd you ages ago about the MGB - did it get lost?
Also would love to snap up that yellow gameboy cam...
ForaBrokenEarth wrote:Pun Pun is basically the most depressing thing you will ever read. And if you've ever suffered from depression you'll definitely relate on some level.
Oh my god that's your avatar. How did I never notice that?
Posts found: 17-32 of 115 / Forums / Posts by viciousitaly