Awesome! Go fuck yourself
161 Jun 25, 2014 11:35 pm
Re: Timmy and the robot band has a live album (5 replies, posted in Releases)
162 Jun 25, 2014 5:18 am
Re: stj tiny orchestra project (piggy, sunvox, etc.) (16 replies, posted in Audio Production)
can we just do all sounds and make a kind of GM bank but for trackers?
DUDE!!!!!! That is a great idea! It would be fantastic to have a General Midi sample pack for Piggy. VaporSkweeeCore or DIE!
163 Jun 25, 2014 3:29 am
Re: Deathcore using LSDJ? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Why do you WANT to use LSDJ? Seeing as you're doing 90% of your songwriting/recording in Ableton Live already, won't it be easier and cheaper to just use some VSTi like Chipsounds or whatever? Do you plan on playing the songs live, with a full band? Because using Ableton for the drum parts and LSDJ for lead + bass will be a pain in the ass to setup/sync/juggle/trigger along with guitars and vocals. I know this won't be a very popular opinion, but LSDJ isn't always the best choice. If you INSIST on using a handheld, why not try something with some more flexibility, maybe NitroTracker on Nintendo DS or LittleGPTracker for PSP/GP2X/Dingoo?
164 Jun 24, 2014 11:58 pm
Re: stj tiny orchestra project (piggy, sunvox, etc.) (16 replies, posted in Audio Production)
I can record a Danso, it's a traditional Korean bamboo flute. How long do you need the samples to be?
165 Jun 17, 2014 9:56 am
Re: Dynamic/adaptive chipmusic (34 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I've gotten (and heard) some really interesting stuff out of Supermagic Music Maker.
Goddammit, I have never used this before, and now I did! Now I NEED to find a way to write hip hop tracks around this. There goes my week/month/year/eternity! Thanks (for ruining everything) dude.
166 Jun 16, 2014 7:08 am
Re: How did you guys choose your stage name? (94 replies, posted in General Discussion)
My name chose me during an ancient, sacred naming ritual. Virgins were sacrificed, lols were had.
Edit: It's more of a basement name than a "stage" name, but whatever, I think it's still on topic.
167 Jun 15, 2014 11:55 pm
Re: Dynamic/adaptive chipmusic (34 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I actually downloaded this and tried it out. It's WAY to much effort for really underwhelming results, most of us use trackers, and exporting every little loop to a wav, and then bring it into Elias just to have things seem a bit more interesting isn't really worth it. I actually said "fuck this shit" out loud, uninstalled it and then played around with ChucK.
168 Jun 14, 2014 12:27 am
Re: Yume Nikki tribute, anyone? (19 replies, posted in Collaborations)
I received one track in addition to my own, and nobody else really seemed all that keen to do this. Also, I've been writing finals for the past couple of weeks, so I don't really have the time or motivation to contact everybody and collect MAYBE 5 songs for a compilation nobody really wants. Sorry guys, but I'm going to let this one die quietly. If anybody else wants to continue with it I will gladly submit my track.
169 Jun 13, 2014 8:33 am
Re: Anton Maiden Topic (17 replies, posted in General Discussion)
if the kid aint killed himself none of yall would have even cared bout him
I don't give the tiniest fuck that the kid is dead! I don't "care" about him, or anybody else whose music I listen to. The music is different, and recording and releasing it is both ballsy and sincere, and I "care" about that. Why should enjoying something be fueled by emotions toward the artist, and whether or not they are in a box?
edit: And if he showed up here I would encourage him to release more and to write his own music.
170 Jun 12, 2014 12:30 am
Re: Anton Maiden Topic (17 replies, posted in General Discussion)
How the fuck had I never heard of this guy before? I Iron Maiden, I
shitty singing, I
midi/mod tunes! This is fantastic. His version of the TheTrooper is the bomb! Thanks for this sandneil.
171 Jun 10, 2014 11:20 am
Re: WTT: WHITE DMG (on hold) (15 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Pictures added
172 Jun 10, 2014 12:38 am
Re: another chiptunes survey (CLOSED) (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Also, I love how more than 5 retro consoles is too many and you're not allowed to be younger than 18. This doesn't seem very well though out.
173 Jun 10, 2014 12:36 am
Re: another chiptunes survey (CLOSED) (16 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm racist and I find this survey offended!
174 Jun 9, 2014 9:55 pm
Re: WTT: WHITE DMG (on hold) (15 replies, posted in Trading Post)
I got everybody's PMs, and will reply a bit later today. I will clean the game boy and post photos tonight.
176 Jun 8, 2014 10:00 pm
Re: WTT: WHITE DMG (on hold) (15 replies, posted in Trading Post)
The DMG is still available, and I'm picking it up later today, if I don't get abducted, of course