(42 replies, posted in Collaborations)

I'm down to do a track or 2. Is it strictly nano, or can we add other instruments and vocals?

Does anybody have spares lying around? I'm looking for a DMG battery cover (maybe a complete shell, I don't mind), and a backlight, of any colour really. I will trade you some GB/GBA games and good vibes, or just give money? I know I can buy these items from various vendors, but I'm not in the mood to deal with credit cards and customs. Please?


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey man. I feel exactly the same way. I can write by myself, but I feel like my creativity comes through a bit better if it's not just me, and if there is a reason (EP/theme/whatever) for composing. I am VERY down to compose together, and I am definitely NOT "all business". Trackers are cool, I am pretty comfortable with many of them, and wouldn't mind having to learn a few new ones. Hit me up if you're interested, doing an album, EP or even just a few songs together should be pretty fun.

Make sure your rom and save have the EXACT same filename. For example, if the rom is called LSDJ.gb, the save should be LSDJ.sav, not lsdj.sav or LSDJ1.sav or whatever. Also, make sure there is only one save file per instance of LSDJ, you can't have one LSDJ rom and want to open several savs for it.
If not this, then it must be a hardware specific issue with the cart, and BennVenn is the one to ask.


(3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)


I did it! I was just being really dumb, as it turns out(jet lag maybe).
Thanks for the reply.
Now I'm dedicating the rest of MY LIFE to learning the ways of the piggy tracker!

Welcome to the cult! Piggy on PSP rocks smile


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I own a GBC, GBA SP, and a Pocket, and honestly, the Pocket is my least favorite for regular use.
It takes AAA batteries which run out super fast, and it's just a bit too small for my hands, but it sounds nice, so I use it for recording.
If I were in your shoes, I'd go for the Color now, and then keep my eyes open for a cheap working DMG.
If you aren't 100% confident in your soldering abilities, rather don't mod, because ANY working Game Boy is better than a broken one.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

A few questions that will help you decide.
1. Is it a regular GBA or a GBA SP? (the SP is backlit, which is AWESOME for writing/playing in the dark, and the SP button layout is similar to DMG/GBC)
2. Will you be using it for LSDJ? (do NOT get a regular GBA, the position of the start and select buttons make it almost impossible to use with LSDJ)
3. Will you be gaming on it? (can't play GBA games on a GBC)
4. How is your soldering skills? (you can modify a regular GBA to have the shoulder buttons act as select/start, and you can prosound + frontlight a GBC. If you are junk at soldering, DO NOT EVEN TRY TO MOD A GAME BOY BECAUSE YOU WILL FUCK IT UP)

Sound wise the GBC is known for being shit, but if you are just starting out with LSDJ I'd still recommend it over the GBA as it's easier to use, and can always be modded/improved later.
If you are mostly going to use nanoloop, go for the GBA.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also check out vile_plume, Who Stole the Cookie From the Cookie Jar, Norrin Radd and Stern Fucking Zeit! Not exactly death metal, but awesome heavy chip no less.


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bitpusher2600 wrote:

...and I'm just sitting here kind of glad there's another person out there utilizing a Gameboy. I think that much is cool.

There are dozens of us! DOZENS!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Some other site/blog: "Famous producer/artist uses someone else's chip sound"
cm.o: "Fuck that guy, let's go burn his house down!"

Some other site/blog: "Famous producer/artist makes a song using chip sound in DAW"
cm.o: "Fakebit is for losers! Bet he can't do it on REAL hardware!"

Some other site/blog: "Famous producer/artist makes a song using real 8-bit hardware"
cm.o: "This SUUUUCCCKKKS! Does he even use tables?"

Some other site/blog: "Somebody from the chip scene made something worth mentioning elsewhere"
cm.o: "Sellout! Overrated! Why do people like his sound so much? Punk is dead. Dubstep sucks."

Some other site/blog: "..." (vanilla EPs that don't get mention anywhere else, lol)
cm.o: "This is fucking AWESOME! This is OURS!"

I love this website heart


(3 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

To find out what the commands do, go read the manual, it explains everything pretty well and will help you a LOT. Print it out if you can.
To see proper usage of tables, go to http://hexawe.net/ and download the .zip files for anything by pretty much anybody (I recommend BLEO) and load the .dat up into Piggy. Reading explanations will not give you a clear indication of how commands work in tables as opposed to phrases, as it can effect the instrument from one tick to the next, whereas using commands in the phrase screen will effect the instrument for as long as the note sounds, unless another command changes it again. I'm not very good though, so make with my advice what you want. Good luck, and welcome to LGPT, it will take you forever to master it, and every moment will be awesome!


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Monotron wrote:

Guys, let's just make out own collab and do it right. Chipmusic.org style

If somebody (PLEEEAAASE) organises it, I'd like to do a nanoloop + vocal track. And someone (not me) has to do a cover of The Decline.


(12 replies, posted in Past Events)

I fucking LOVE the poster! Whodunnit? The lineup looks epic too! Wish I wasnt 1,000,000 km from the closest chip gig sad


(0 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(8 replies, posted in Collaborations)

This sounds like it can be interesting. I make noise/hiphop using LGPT, keyboards and effect processors. From South Africa, by the way.