Guess who's never getting invited to perform Blip :3


(89 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah, I'll be having a drink with 4mat and Jellica, so all you Blip people be jealous. Be very jealous.

Bit Shifter wrote:
danimal cannon wrote:

When I was told what they were protesting against I didn't exactly agree. It was a sight though.

Apparently collegiate education is free-ish with high taxes, and while basic education is a right, advanced education I'm not so sure about.  I probably got a shitty gist of it though

Yeah my understanding of what's going on up there is pretty minimal -- one article I read (OK skimmed) framed it as assembly for the purposes of protest as having now been deemed illegal, but I have no idea how skewed / exaggerated a viewpoint that was and I totally do not have the full picture.

It's pretty bad.

danimal cannon wrote:

I wish the toy company guys were at my show that I'm playing right now. I'm using venue wifi in Montreal  to make this post

Well, I, for one, have moved to the UK.
I would've advised against performing right after Kinetik Festival since about 50% of the people who come to Toy Company are completely party'd out after over a week of festival and afterpartys. That including everyone who organizes Toy Company.

Bit Shifter wrote:

They're probably out protesting the new legislation illegalizing assembly and dissent or whatever bullshit it is that's out-America-ing America right now.

But it's mostly that. People are busy protesting and getting arrested. You wouldn't believe my FB and Twitter feeds.

So okay...the Bleep Boob Blip 09 incident:
I was sitting next to this Jeremy person when he asked me if I wanted an 8bc sticker like the one he was wearing on his shirt.
I was wearing a shirt with a very wide, somewhat low, neckline. There was nowhere appropriate to put that sticker, believe me.
I was about to say "no thanks", but before I had the chance, he was putting a sticker on my boob, and then rubbing it to make sure it'd stick there, while, IIRC, DaPantz, minusbaby and myself stared in shock and disbelief.
I later brought it up on the forum for the lulz, and lulz were had I believe.

And yes, George is a girl. With titties.

Well my boobs have not been the same since they've been stickered and discussed on 8bc.

It's just a bit unfortunate, imho.


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)
^hard to pick just one, the whole thing brings joy to my heart. And it's my favorite album cover ever.
I mean, c'mon.

Will look like a troll, but...why book artists who are already performing at Blip?


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

ant1 wrote:

VOICEMAIL is so good

Do you understand French?


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

Nevermind the vocals, this album is good.

likeluke wrote:

lolz, i live in bed-stuy. i'm sure i have a different experience than most simply because i'm a man.

My experience of Bedstuy is walking on an unlit boulevard, having gangs of tough guys, some of them with baseball bats, shout at me "hey where you headed at babe, come hang a minute" every corner. Never walked that fast in my life.

There's a lack of pocket calculator in your calculator pocket though.
Throw a few pens in there at least.

Another friend told me that all of Detroit was the worst place in the world.

I was having this discussion with a friend who was telling me to not go to Spanish Harlem. Told him I thought it was alright, that I've been to more dangerous neighborhoods. Since there are people from all around the world here, some of us traveling lots, I'd like to have your input. Here's my Top 4, from "OMG I'M GONNA GET KILLED THEN RAPED" to "I might get knifed but will likely survive".

1- Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn
2- Brixton, London
3- 2e Arrondissement, Paris (the whore stretch on Saint-Denis)
4- Saint-Michel, Montreal