(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I stained a shirt, but my tattoos were all solid colors and were oozing a lot. Happened to a couple of friends too. (Again with solid things, not with shading).


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

They make my eyes sore and my palm meet my face as much as the tattoos with typos.


(35 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I never wanted a Gameboy up to this day.
That is a seriously sexy beast NeX.
Would pay monies for that.

Don't sleep.


(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

"I have a dictionary, can I be a writer?"
"I have brushes, can I be a painter?"
"I have a camera, can I be a filmmaker?"

It's not about the tools, it's about what you do with them darling.


(50 replies, posted in Releases)

Got my CD today smile

Joliette, near Mtl? I mean, I was born in St-Eustache and never considered it "near Mtl"...


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nullsleep wrote:

I will say that getting tattooed was a really great experience.  Probably the most pain that I've ever felt in my life, continuously for about an hour and a half.  But also incredibly satisfying, and the tremendous endorphine rush that follows was pretty awesome too.

To me it was so obvious, that I forgot to mention it : thanks Nullsleep!
It's among the best highs you'll get in your life, and the worse the pain, the bigger the endorphine rush that follows.
Some of my friends are literally addicted to getting tattooed.

Now, regarding pain...it really depends on which area you get tattooed. I've sat through hours of tattooing and only went through mild discomfort and I had one tattoo that took only 2 minutes to get done (on the side of my middle finger) that put me through levels of pain I didn't even suspect existed. I was completely wasted for two days after that one. If you want to get somewhat of an idea of how bad it will be, pinch the area hard with your nails. The feeling is sort of between that and getting your skin sanded. No matter in how much pain you are, you don't want to ask for a break : it's gonna swell and it will make things much worse afterwards. If you cannot take it anymore then end the session and schedule another appointment three weeks later.

It's definitely a good idea to get a nice meal before your appointment. You also want to bring something to help keep you hydrated - you'll sweat like a pig - like gatorade, or my personal favorite : mineral water + lemon.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Oh the mathnimals! big_smile

You should tell the story and myth that go with them.


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Other things to consider : you'll be staining every t-shirt you'll be wearing for the first 3 to 5 days. And when you'll take them off it will hurt like a bitch. Usually you're not supposed to cover tattoos with any sort of clothing, if you want it to heal nice, and they need to always be covered in ointment. You'll be living with greasy shirts glued to your back for 2 weeks. And you WILL need touch-us, believe me.

All that from a girl who managed to heal all of her tattoos real nice while her tattoo-artist would say "there's no way tattoos on your feet/ between fingers will stick"


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also, one thing to consider before getting a tattoo on the middle of your back : you cannot care for it yourself. You will need someone to clean it and apply ointment on it at least 2 times a day. For 10 to 15 days. You cannot expose a healing tattoo to hot water much : it makes the healing skin roll off, taking away the ink with it. That makes showering quite the daunting task. Usually, for all those reasons, back tattoos need many touch ups, and you have to wait a few months between those. And go through the healing process every time. Basically, a 2 year long project...and after 4-5 year tattoos need touch-ups again. That's why I never got back tattoos.

OH SHI- where can I download this rom?


(164 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I never got an answer to my question...


(74 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Derris-Kharlan wrote:



It'd make a really great t-shirt for guys but wouldn't fit a girl very well. Anyways, being one of the very few girls who buys those shirts it's pretty much irrelevant.

they all look nice but to me super form would make a better shirt.