(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

i like george and 4mat beacuse they keep bringing wine an crisps to my flat.

I like Jellica because he gives me rides.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ant1 has the best Best Of album cover
Jellica has the best car and the best cat.
Bit Shifter gets the best memes.
Glomag operates the best hotel in Brooklyn.
minusbaby makes the best coffee and Brazilian cocktails.
Aliceffekt designs the best unplayable videogames.
Starpause has the best chest hair.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lydia has nice hair too.


(119 replies, posted in General Discussion)

James has nice hair.

herr_prof wrote:

I think the biggest way to get more criticism is to stick around and become a member of the forum first. Would you ask strangers on the street to listen to your music ( if you are a midtown nyc rap crew dont answer this)?

In any case, Lazerbeat's tutorial on how to get CC, if followed, would make those threads less annoying to us oldfags and maybe make us more welcoming of newcomers.

Just a thought.

Most constructive post.
Needs to be read, stickied, retweeted, liked and licked.

I love everyone.

Holy rabies Batman.
Somebody needs to be put down.

Why can't there be more things like this?


(144 replies, posted in Releases)

Like right now, please. It'll look like minusbaby designed it on a day he couldn't be arsed. It'll be brilliant. and we'll be able to resume normal pedantry.


(144 replies, posted in Releases)

Kickstarter for frostbyte.org

Something worthy of a release thread.

ant1 wrote:

miles davis made 4 albums in 2 days maybe he sucks for not putting Actual Effort into his craft

We need Frostbyte wisdom to solve that one.


(88 replies, posted in Collaborations)

^ and this.

And now you can cross reference answers and quality of music and get SCIENCE.


(88 replies, posted in Collaborations)

The problem is not compilations, it's the amount of compilations and the fact that it makes them less and less relevant.