I like to put the keywords 'SID Chip' as an eBay 'Interest' so all sid listings are fed directly to my homepage feed. you can grab the best deals that way. You can even filter by price. I usually only want ebay to show me SID's for less than 20 bones.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Yeah. I'm looking into getting the Behringer Xenyx QX1202USB Mixer. It has 4 in line compressors and high pass filters! plus a usb audio interface for recording a live set or something like that.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Limitbreak wrote:

Not pictured is my Super Gameboy, a handful of link cables and my second EMS cart. The computer is just for recording.

badass mixer!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

thebitman wrote:

Integrated my Chipmaestro into my 2xLSDJ setup.

For the record, I'm struggling through making a Max4Live patch for the damned thing.

lol. perfect use for that cart!


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So I'm brainstorming up a new live setup the other day when an idea came and hit me like a brick. The picture says it all. big_smile

Nullsleep wrote:




(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Jazzmarazz wrote:

I did some digging and you sir, are correct. The very early MIDINES cartridges used the Squeedo flash cartridge; "squeedo" of course referring to the custom memory mapper and circuit board by Memblers Industries. The content of the above mentioned PIC happens to belong to Memblers, not Wayfar. There is little information on the Squeedo cartridge besides some changelogs from Memblers himself and some sample mp3s. Memblers is not wayfar (by far) and I suppose I ought to contact him about Squeedo....

I found some useful information about the ownership of the code present in the midines.

Memblers wrote:

I supplied x|k/wayfar with a bunch of bare Squeedo PCBs, he wrote all his own code for midines and assembled those, so it doesn't use any of the Squeedo firmware and bootloader. And yeah, like you noticed it has less RAM and no RS232 transceiver.

Source: http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=780

Aphex Aural Exciter
BBE Sonic Maximizer
Stereo Tube Compressor


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nordloef wrote:

Where did you get the midines 2? Didn't even know that it was released.

The Electronic Bay. eBay

I'm guessing that it's not technically a "MidiNES 2" cause the missing chips like ciclone and functionality like midi out. It's just the name of the PCB board revision. As always I could be wrong.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Batsly Adams wrote:

I hope your plan isn't to just rip the code from the PIC. Why not spend the effort making something that is your own intellectual property?

I'm well aware that there are problems with wayfar, but still.

Everyone to Wayfar wrote:

I hope your plan isn't to just rip money from peoples hands. Why not spend the extra effort and fulfill your orders, employ help to build your cart, and stop taking orders?

I'm well aware that there are problems with becoming an honest human being, but still.

I have zero issues stealing from the guy that stole from me, and hundreds or thousands of others just like me.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Ok I took a large amount of pictures of both my midines carts. One was a MidiNES 1 RevB. and the other is a MidiNES 2.  All the pics can be downloaded here: https://app.box.com/s/fjxbkyff21l5k9w7e7u2

I tried to be as thorough as possible. I figured more than enough pictures was better then not enough.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Tyler, could you open it up and take a photo and/or note which chips are being used?

Definitely. I'll take tons of photos and make a list.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I have one major and a couple minor questions to you Jazz. Will you have to desolder or deconstruct the Midines in order to properly rip the rom and make this clone happen?

I want to preface this next statement with the request that no one get there hopes up just yet based on my next statements. but I have two Midines carts and would possibly, I repeat, possibly contribute one if I could get my cart back in the same working condition that it was originally.

My supplementary questions are:
How long would be your best guess on the time it would take? I understand you won't definitively know till you have your hands on it.
And also if I lend my cart could I get a free clone? :3

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You guys try to keep in mind that I want to help, but I'm really attached to my midines carts and have invested some serious money in them especially considering the first time I tried to buy one was from the jerk face wayfar himself. So I'm naturally going to be very iffy about giving one away for a while, even if it's for science. So for now I just want the details on how healthy the donor cart will be after all the surgery is over.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Lack of sample bank is definitely not the only difference. Midines has some pretty darn full featured controls with the Midi CC channels. take a look at this CC Implementation sheet MIDINES MIDI CC You will soon realize how far chipmaestro is off the mark.

It must be a little disappointing realizing something you invested in isn't as capable as you thought. It reminds me of the disappointment I felt when I paid for a Midines from Wayfar over two years ago, and never received one.


(122 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

It's definitely not useless. but as many will probably tell you, chipmaestro is far from being as good as midines. I've not read much of the chip maestro's release docs so i can't speak for how the cart has changed (if any) over the time since first release, but I don't think it is as robust as the midines in terms of cc control and making use of all the channels like the DPCM.


(1,052 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)

Lovely thread you guys. You all have some serious talent. Here is a couple 4-color DMG images I made with a 160X144 aspect ratio. One is just some dithering practice, but the other is a transmutation array.