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Topics by kitsch
Posts found: 1,649-1,664 of 2,821
spacetownsavior wrote:As far as THE FUTURE goes, I want to see more multi in my multimedia. Having co-opted hardware previously made for playing videogames, I don't see what's stopping us from creating audiovisual experiences that don't follow the traditional model of performer vs. audience. We're in a really good place to deliver the concert model of THE FUTURE, but for us to do that we have to get rid of old assumptions made about performance.
from the newsletter
hello friends -
a new Thursday Customs' modded MGB appeared in the shop today!
more news coming tomorrow till then, keep chipping!
thanks for looking!
using soldering irons for this mod, i've found that different shaped tips play a big roll in the succes of the mod. pointed types don't work well at all, the heat is only applied to a small point and the reflow underneath the acetate ribbon isn't satisfactory.
chisel tips have worked really great for me however
ashimoke wrote:this pocket looks just great
pretty stunning huh! it sold really quick too. but yeah, i really like that teal and light-grey combo, might have to put one together like that for myself
from the newsletter
hey everybody!
short, sweet:
more beautiful consoles by Thursday Customs!!!
till next time, keep chipping,
thanks for looking!
email notification of PMs would be awesome
or, the ability to reply-from-email and not need to go to cm.o to PM back
i went out and bought some semi-permanent, permanent, and other dye. and some product which makes the color take in hair. and have 'employed' the gf to experiment with this on her day off tomorrow, i'll post the results with a few colors asap! blue, purple, red, orange, green, and two types of black (rit dye (cheap) and revlon (expensive)). worried the black rit will end up purple...
the silicon button i do are natural/clear silicon, so they'd be the perfect base for this!
egr wrote:New cases with the nes buttons are hot!
that one (the bottom one) has dmg style buttons, just dark grey dpad and red a/b, but yeah very nes-ish. i think the filename is nes_kitschboy somethingorother actually!
and yeah, looks really awesome in person
from the newsletter
hey everybody -
quick message today, LOOMIS sent in 5 new modded game boys for the shop!
thats it, keep chipping!
thanks for looking!
what is the software you're running on your 800XL?
if they are just hanging on to it and just thinking it over, it'll reset itself and purge their cart after a little bit...
*good luck*
unless its already in someone's cart, there is a 64m left
from the newsletter
hey everybody -
today finds us with new clearance items in the shop!
some 32m carts, used 64m carts, and (randomly perhaps) a whole bunch of SID chips with simple errors (which meant I couldn't sell them as "tested/working" a few years back when i was stocking these). accordingly, the price is very reduced.
even better, wesleyoung sent in some more painted dmg shells!
thats it for now, have a wonderful rest of your day and keep chipping!
thanks for looking!
thanks for linking! i my 800xl, pampered it a little this week in fact!
Lavar wrote:Have you thought of an android version? I hate to be that guy, but I still want it
this would actually be more suitable for my needs in the long run as well
Posts found: 1,649-1,664 of 2,821 / Forums / Posts by kitsch