

(86 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

arfink wrote:

I think I prefer to have my artist's mark inside the battery cover. That seems like a nice place.


i know a bit about how plastics can be made if you wanna get in touch.

if the run on these is super small, i might be able to do them on my printer also.

a (cheaper) option would be to do an acrylic dovetailed box or something.  if so, cm.o's arfink or nbscloset could help out with making those


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

(to everyone who has PM'd and/or emailed)

sorry for the delay!  out of town for a soccer match and returning probably tonight.  will write back asap, i really appreciate all the replies and such


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

^ i'm definitely interested, i'm pulling a few things from each and can check them in case there is a problem before i put them into any project, so yeah hit me up when you've done your digging and we could do shipping all at once!

IndigoChild wrote:

Hey to each their own xD
before you know it YOLO will be the name of god and there will be a large following of YOLO larger than christians. >_>


there already is.  its called rampant individualism


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

yall are awesome!  i'll get everyone replied to asap, i need to get some other things gathered together for everybody i think.  and sleep maybe


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

release it!

yes, do as he says

live stream, that's awesome!  thanks for posting this, can't wait to check it out


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

i'm WTB/T some help making tutorials

all the info is in the first post.  help me help you!

thanks for looking.

also, BACK BOARDS!!!!

i'm still hoarding these, get in touch!  with all the backlighting death stories i've heard over the years, i knooowwww they are just sitting around collecting dust doing nothing with a lot of you wink  sell them to me


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Timbob wrote:
kitsch wrote:

wasn't there a comp for that?

(pretty classic question there)

seem to remember some project based around corrupted data

We should start a comp called "wasn't there a comp for that?"

On which each song has a pretty clear concept that could've come from a comp that was never actually done.

this should absolutely happen.  that's such a great idea.


le PM'd

scratch that.... 

ignore what i just wrote.

go for the dev board!

(z80 dev board is being done now, just fyi, and someone else on here is doing a smt aboy too)

group buys!  woohoo

ohhhhh, feedback?

any issues with the heat element?  i'm pretty curious about your thoughts, glad you seem to be liking it a lot big_smile


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

wasn't there a comp for that?

(pretty classic question there)

seem to remember some project based around corrupted data