Parallelis wrote:

very awesome.  indeed.

i like the front panel layout.  x0x-ish


(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

lastfuture wrote:

(but kitsch has only white NES buttons, no white DMG buttons)

will be restocked asap wink

justinthursday wrote:

how difficult it is without a PCB


from the newsletter

hey everybody!

just put these up in the shop:

i'll keep it short this time, till next, keep chipping!



thanks for looking!


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

interested in all the non-blobbed ones!  for sure.

i'll PM you back in a bit, i did read it wink  just wanted to say, i'm interested,


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

exactly like the title says, i'm looking to buy/trade some items!

everything i'm looking for is listed below along with a price.

this is the price i'm willing to pay for the item, and also the amount in trade I'm willing to exchange from the KB shop.

if worked out in trade at all shipping is paid for by the shipper (both ways).  if a purchase, i'll pick up shipping but at cost and a low rate.

we are located in North Carolina, USA. 

PM or email me at matt [aatt] kitsch-bent [ddoott] com

items for trade

Help Making Tutorials
- simple.  i have products which need tutorials.  i have no time to properly devote to them, i find making them tedious and incredibly boring. 
- i'm not sure how to compensate for this, it would just depend on the tutorial itself.
- i'd love to see some sort of reference to something which would pertain to this skill set... at least to show me you are an organized presenter and understand layout.  and have a sense of aesthetics as well.
- format is (ideally) powerpoint with a PDF export (at least the powerpoint)
- picture taking is critical, i won't be supplying photos
- i'll send the item itself to you so you're able to make the tutorial.  in most cases, you can keep the item as a form of payment, in some circumstances i'll need it back but am happy to pay for the return shipping.  this applies mainly to very expensive or limited editions of things.  of course, we can always work something out so just ask if you have a thought.
- i can provide the KB artwork and whatnot for the tutorial.  you are more than welcome to include your name on the last page (where the KB info is too).
- format:  front page, intro (what is it?), tools/mis en place (what do I need to do this?  special considerations?), steps (how do I do this?), conclusion (what have i done?!?!), last page is KB banner/logo, contact info, and your info too.

-- prosound tutorials for RCA, 1/8", and 1/4".  payment = 2x each kit (2x RCA, etc)
-- 3-clk install tutorial and demo (video).  payment = 2x kit for install docs.  vid to be negotiated (idea?)
-- i'll think of more...

Video/VJ Equipment -- price varies
- particularly interested in Leitch brand products (Digibus and StillFrame mostly)
- Ross Video, Grass Valley, Rosendahl, Sony, etc
- interested in switchers/mixers/decoders/encoders/TBC/sync generators
- preferably NTSC format devices (if this is applicable at all)
- preferably equipment for 19" racks

*OFFICIAL* Nanovoice Cart
- the ones sold on the nanoloop site, not just the ROM on an eprom cart.  the 'real' ones... 

Clone/Fake Handheld Consoles
- especially interested in Game Boy type clones
- I am not listing a price i'd give for these, they range widely in price, please PM or email though!  would love to discuss
- no, they do not need to be compatible with original carts, they can use a proprietary design

Cartridge Shells (Colored Versions)
- i need the shells only, don't need the game or a game sticker on the outside
- these are for color-matching plastics parts, so cleanliness is important
- i'm interested in any of the special colors Nintendo put out, AS WELL AS the fake/clone games with colored shells
- don't need white.  really interested in a pink one especially, but ANY of the colors i'm looking for
- please PM me with your offer, I know the price will depend on the rarity of the shell

DMG Back PCBs -- @$3.00 each
- must have fully working CPU
- all buttons must still work (a common failure)
- i do NOT want the later versions where the CPU is covered in the epoxy blob
- must have link port
- power and audio PCB not required, but greatly preferred
- DMG-CPU revision doesn't matter

CGB PCBs -- @$3.50 each
- must have fully working CPU and have link port intact
- does NOT need to include LCD, at all
- *if* there is an epoxy blob over the CPU, do NOT want

MGB PCBs -- @$3.50 each
- must have fully working CPU and have link port intact
- does NOT need to include LCD, at all
- *if* there is an epoxy blob over the CPU, do NOT want

DMG-07 4-Player Adapter PCBs -- @$2.25 each
- or, $0.75 per link port if some are missing
- link ports cannot be damaged
- i do NOT need the wires, the case, anything else.  just the PCB with the link ports.

hopefully some of you have a bunch of these since the LCD boards break so often!

if i left out any important details, please let me know.

edited the title of thread for clarity


(9 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

the leftmost wire looks like its going to a ground, should be fine.  worth checking though

try lowering the resistance of the pot.  it sounds like a log pot whose resistance is too high.  since there is a noticeably steeper rise in it.

if you have a way to measure what the nominal maximum value of your pot's resistance is (if you have a multimeter, that is), check it's value and then use whatever type of pot you want with that resistance value.  your bend (taper) will be different.

edit -- try removing that 430k resistor.  if you're comfortable replacing it if it doesn't help, of course. 

i re-read your post.  i'm unsure if you mean there is a steep rise in the pitch, or that there is a loop in the effect somehow.


(304 replies, posted in Trading Post)

explaining this is really hard, actually.  its hard to come up with a quick title that wraps it up.

i've started using "boutique electronics" as a phrase, seems to help.

just mentioning older video game consoles means you've got to listen to everyone's story about their old coleco/intelli/whatever-vision.  and how it might or might not work anymore...

someone correct me if i'm wrong,

but wasn't the release date posted in the thread earlier for the first batch?

and, those have all been sent out?

meaning everyone else is in on the second batch, which as of yet doesn't have a release date and is pending parts/assembly/manufacturing, right?

just wanted to address that particular point.  i think the date of release/shipment message wasn't meant for everyone, just those in the first batch.  which has happened already...  and means the waiting bit isn't as unusual as it might seem.  (i mean, i've been waiting for a couple years now for some DIY electro projects to be completed, having paid for them at least in part.  life happens, as they say).

of course, if i'm wrong about the batch differentiation bit, ignore all that...

he's a stand up guy.  and if i had his max skills i'd release $1 patches in $2 days too!

10k wrote:

Heads up, he is teaching max for his day job.!!!!

thats cool.


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

if you're looking to do multiple jacks off the same prosound signal, this may help:

i use square,

and, the paypal here is out too, the basic rate is better but the rate for exceptions is higher.  so using that too, showed up in the mail today wink 

this type of tech is great, i had checked out other similar things before the square came out, the rate is sooo much better this way.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


i would love that.very.much.