was way too poor to even think about this. i'm coming anyway - with a bag full of carts, no less.

Frostbyte wrote:

So what's the price looking like? :d

Still $100.

Quickie update time I guess:
- about 80 boards are programmed and tested
- the plastic shells are winging their way to me from the other side of the planet
- I haven't made a wobsite yet...

As in "this fortnight soon".

even the australians aren't "getting it"?

there's been a /lot/ of interest, and the delay to batch 2 could actually be several months. so... it's not a bad deal!

herr_prof wrote:

You could always do a kickstarter for tiered batches

xdollars gets you in batch 1 of 100
xdollars + 5 gets in batch two

if you pay me $300, you will get a cart from batch 1.
first 50 entrants only.

Falling For A Square wrote:

Or "kick starter " this! for extra funds.

Can't wait.

This is something I've considered and discussed with several people.
Certainly, Kickstarter would provide funds for possibly several hundred carts.

But this is ignoring the engineering reality. When I ship a cart, it has been tested extensively - carts I make don't even bet a serial number until they pass the hardware test.
I've made 1 cart - that was the development process - and I've made 10 carts. But making 100 carts is a totally different proposition; you can't spend 10 hours making and debugging each one, or nobody could afford them.

So what if I try and get 500 built - and there's a manufacturing issue? Fixing 500 carts with high-density surface mount would be a horrendous proposition.

I really appreciate the massive positive response from the community - it's really encouraging, which helps in a process where I'm spending my spare time from a fulltime PhD candidature! Kickstarter solves straight-up funding shortages, but engineering something to mass production isn't solved by infinite cash.
I'm much more comfortable selling batches of devices at a rate I know I can afford, and with a quality level I can guarantee, than over-promising in either time or quality, and then under-delivering.

The first batch is of 100 boards, and in the exceedingly near future, I will know how many came back from fabrication alive. It's not far until they'll be for sale. And no, I can't say exactly when! Sorry.

edit: grammar; rushing

abortifacient wrote:

All this while inventing robots for spines... smile

spinal tapcore

The boards are coming out of the factory soon, and the shells will be coming in not long after.

I'd say a date but I don't want to spawn yet another deluge of 'hey you said it would be out by now where's the secret cart sales market' emails.

They're not just going to up and disappear. I spent every last dollar of my liquid funds to get this batch fabricated, and have been squeezing hard to make the rent for the last couple of weeks. They will come, and they will be announced, and even if you miss the first batch there will be plenty for everyone.

Thank you for your patience.

Krubbz wrote:
celsius wrote:

That guy is none other than Professor Abrasive!

Hah!  That's amazing!  I had no idea.

It only says it on the label tongue

The first big batch might not have the epoxy window arrangement... Definitely will have it down the track!

Shadow-Bit wrote:

It was a joke, you know that right?

Being rude is being rude. Sure, if you have a personal relationship where that kind of thing's okay, that's one thing, but that's pretty obviously not the case here.

Shadow-Bit wrote:

Good day sir

You know that being rude to people doesn't exactly make me want to sell you one of my babies when there are so many other people who want one right now...?

edit: that's not a threat, it's just a thought. other people please to not be sticking your oars in.