Brilliant update blargg smile


(224 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)


(105 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Interesting stuff, especially since I'm putting ideas together for a new NES tracker.

God, sometimes, I'm such a whore.


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Heosphoros wrote:

PD Roms, Pirate Roms (UH OH), Vegavox II, GlitchNES, Lightwall, 2A03 NSF Archive, All entries for all Famicompos, V/A NSF, Embered Recollections. big_smile

Bitch, where's NTRQ!?

I have everything in the world apart from anything done by Heos.

Well, apart from that picture...


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

neilbaldwin wrote:
RG wrote:

Would it be possible to access the hidden envelope screen directly from the instrument editor section in the next version? I don't know about anyone else but it seems a little strange to have to leave the instrument section, go to the top of the screen and to the left to reach the envelope section.

Perhaps I missed something?

It's a fair point, I'll look into it smile

That was easier than I first imagined. big_smile

Now, if your cursor is on the AD or SR parameter and you hold SELECT and tap LEFT, the envelope table editor will open.

I won't release a new version yet unless anyone desperately needs this shortcut.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

RG wrote:

Would it be possible to access the hidden envelope screen directly from the instrument editor section in the next version? I don't know about anyone else but it seems a little strange to have to leave the instrument section, go to the top of the screen and to the left to reach the envelope section.

Perhaps I missed something?

It's a fair point, I'll look into it smile


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Nestopia cope with it well.

Having trawled blargg's code, if he says it's glitch-free it's glitch-free. smile

Well, as wild as time will allow. smile

I think we actually need to pull in someone with more experience with these things - I've never programmed graphics apart from displaying text. LOL

Something I was thinking was abstracting the individual animations and colour modes and allowing people to be able to string their own animation sequence together. You'd have to be comfortable with rebuilding the ROM (with ASM6 or whatever) but it shouldn't be to onerous.

Could have the timing between animations based on either a counter or user input (button press).

That way you could simplify the controls a bit and have one button to step forward/backwards to next/previous animation/colour mode. Or you could make the 8 (as detailed in lazerbeat's list) mode assignments yourself.

Endless possibilities really smile

Yeah, blargg is timing-code sensei - my proof of concept was only possible with information from him and when he saw my few demos he was inspired to put some serious work in and knock it into an "engine".

I'm going to carry on with the animation stuff but we're going to keep on bouncing ideas off each other to make this a proper little project.

I couldn't wait to tell you guys about blargg's elevated involvement as I knew it was a cool thing. big_smile

OK cool. Keep the ideas coming - some good ones so far.

I'm going to try to work on modularising the effects so that colour mode/cycle speed works independently from the movement (I've already done this crudely and you get some neat effects through combinations of animation speed and the speed at which the next colour is fetched from the colour table).

I'll then end up with a library of animation effects which, should make coming up with effect combos a ton easier.

Doing different graphics (apart from the squares) is definitely doable - I did a version with stars already actually just to test it out. Have to figure a way to be able to switch the graphics with minimal screen fuck up though.

Have a full A-Z, 0-9 font now. I didn't realise that my favourite CHR editor (yychr) can work with 1-bit fonts. Makes it a total breeze to add a new font (yourself too!) for the big scroller smile


Code coming soon. For my own sanity I need to improve the "raster" split timing.

If it's interesting enough for people I'd be open to feature requests (providing you're not in a massive hurry and they're actually doable!).

I spend some time (before I've just been away for a few days) trying to play some of my music with the light wall. My old game music driver is *just* fast enough to play but I'm afraid NTRQ and Nijuu are just too full-fat. It's something I might work on - NTRQ's stand-alone player is terribly inefficient sad

OK, one more update and then I need to get back to other stuff.

Changes? User interaction! Scroll text!

Use U/D/L/R to select the mode. Use A/B to increase/decrease animation speed.

Could do some cool stuff with the scroll text mode but I have to leave it alone for a while. I implemented two quick "controls" that you can put anywhere in the text string. One to set the background/foreground colour and the other to specify a pause. You can see both of these in the scroll text mode. Only done the numbers 0-9 so far because i had to TYPE THE FONT IN USING ZEROS AND ONES!

That's how I roll. That is how I roll.


Quick update. I added some vertical (alternate column) scrolling and horizontal right-to-left scrolling.

Quite good fun this smile

Next update will be a lightwall coloured scroll text. Old school. big_smile

I put a bit more time in on this tonight and got the timing code into a more usable form (though it still needs a bit of tweaking as you'll see). This time I'm doing all 8 splits (well, 7) to make the whole grid animatable. I also programmed two crude animations - one cycles all the colours of the matrix from start to end, left to right. The other animates a spiral that radiates from the centre outwards. I put a simple timer in to periodically switch between the two.

One cool thing I figured out is that if I got the timing tight enough, I could squeeze the vertical gaps between the blocks enough to get an extra row of blocks (the NES resolution is 256 x 240 so doing 32 x 32 pixel blocks only gives you enough vertical height for 7 rows). Therefore, it's now a proper 8 x 8 grid! big_smile