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Topics by xylo
Posts found: 337-352 of 495
Saskrotch wrote:weird, a while ago me and misfit chris were talking about doing a digital 7" where we each did a remix of popcorn and then once it was done we would delete it forever and never tell anyone
Weird plans. Especially when you even tell the plans you do not want to tell anyone after they have been finished, before even finishing them.
Stern Fucking Zeit wrote:xylo wrote:I'll record some of your liveshit the 7th and let my mom hear what wonderful events I attent to in my weekends.
Looking forward to this btw.
Same, it's going to be awesome.
Stern Fucking Zeit wrote:Please someone play some SFZ in front of your parents + tell me what their reactions are.
I'll record some of your liveshit the 7th and let my mom hear what wonderful events I attent to in my weekends.
YERZMYEY wrote:Akira: hahah, it took some time, didn't it?
Well, A500 can play 8ch too but actually without volume commands (a pity).
So i _had_ to check out the 1200 finally.
Xylo: thx dude.
maybe I will be able to compile with it some bigger Amiga-related set of songs. I have 2 already, actually.
Basspuddle: Well, the truth is, I also was using mostly emulators for several years (of course recordings have been taken from real hardware every time).
Only with Atari Falcon 030 songs I was using the real machine for making music.
But while work on "ZX81" album I found something I lost for many years - a pleasure of working with real ancient hardware. An incredible thing. I totally forgot it. So now - when I bought the A1200 - I don't want WinUAE at all.
And who knows, maybe next year I'll do something bigger for Atari STe.
(For regular ST we already made some stuff).
Working on the actual hardware almost always beats emulators. I just love the sound the old machines make when you use the keyboard. 
SadPanda wrote:"this is fucking annoying and boring and if you don't turn it off I'm breaking up with you"
-my girlfriend the first time I exposed her to chipt00nz
What did you put on?
XyNo wrote:xylo wrote:Ella by cerror.
I'm totally listening this song a lot these days ! 
You should, it's awesome. And 4 channel! \o/
Nice YERZ.
Let me listen to this ant1 madness. \o/
I just ram the keyboard and happy modules role out.
roboctopus wrote:Auxcide wrote:No one cares about singles nowadays anyways.
Yeah, I really feel like with the death of 8bc (and its loved/hated charts) there's less motivation within the chip community to release individual songs. I know I've slowed down with individual song releases, and prolific composers like Jredd are holding back and compiling releases as well. It's interesting, but I do kind of miss the quirky one-off tracks that showed up on 8bc.
Lol nonsense. As if the charts were any representation of the good tracks/single releases on 8bc. :'D
I just like putting out releases that have 6-8 songs people haven't heard so that they can actually listen to new different songs at the same time, instead of just 'one-song-releases' every two weeks or so.
snesei wrote:Quick question, how do you guys come up with melodies and bass lines? I find it hard to just work in a tracker and compose something.
Most of the time start with just trying out notes for the bassline. Just put in simple drums if you need timing or something. If I'm happy with the bassline I just try out some chords. If that's all simple and clear, I just put the chords and bass really loud and whistle to it. When I found something I like, I write it down, and change the chords and bass to match the melody in a more harmonic way.
Aeros wrote:8-Bit-Rex wrote:We'll just have Frostbyte make a pack too. I wouldn't mind hearing a bunch of artists renditions to be honest. Even though I'd only use one or two actual tones I think it's an interesting mini project. It's along the same lines as the 1 second compo.
chip ringtone compo?
I'm still laughing my ass off from that Tin Foil Hat brigade chip busking video. Dafuq is dat!?
Posts found: 337-352 of 495 / Forums / Posts by xylo