49 Mar 17, 2010 12:57 am
Re: deleted (52 replies, posted in Collaborations)
50 Mar 16, 2010 8:50 pm
Re: Introducing... (8 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I'm going to be keeping an eye on this one. I got halfway through Scienceguy8's arduinoboy but my Notabomb arrived so i have half finished arduino. Also, props on the altoids. Odd how altoids are so disgusting yet the tins are so useful!
51 Mar 14, 2010 9:58 pm
Re: 8-Bit Pimp - New album release by A_Rival (19 replies, posted in Releases)
Nice, an accomplished sound for sure
52 Mar 14, 2010 9:21 pm
Re: Describe the lifestyle where you are living! (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Christ, I haven't heard from her in probably over a year, the last time I would have seen her would have been the second Alliance gig or just wandering Newcastle, thought she just dropped out of the game.
Wasn't she in Suzi: Won for a bit? they're of friends of a friend of mine... thought she'd be going from strength to strength by now.
53 Mar 14, 2010 8:23 am
Re: BEEP#2 / LONDON / DATE TBA / DAVID SUGAR + COVOX + MORE (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Oh shi- awesome! You guys better organize a gig in mid June, I'm going to be in London then!
Sparkyboy!!! you'll be over from south africa!? I remember you from when i was 'Jump! Press Start', it'd be good to catch up again
54 Mar 13, 2010 12:11 pm
Re: Describe the lifestyle where you are living! (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Live in Cramlington/Newcastle in the North East UK, as far as it goes its fairly rubbish, high unemployment, uninteresting music scene and lack of any chip gigs, its fairly cheap to live up here though, and the drinks are dirt cheap.
Also Syphus, Spoonbender and Cerebral Scars live here, and if we're sneaky we could probably get Firebrand Boy from across the border to Scotland if we just bundle him in the back of a van.
let's not forget Wroooaar / Venix
55 Mar 11, 2010 10:03 pm
Re: What's your non-chip musical background? (92 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I learned to play a trumpet in junior school. I wanted to play trombone but the store was out of stock that day.
In high school i learned guitar and hated it but kept figuring i'd get used to it... of course i didn't so in 2005 i found out about this stuff.
56 Mar 11, 2010 9:55 pm
Re: Describe the lifestyle where you are living! (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
LONDON, UK reporting...
As you can imagine there are usually quite a few chip events in the area, including Sabrepulse's one which is monthly. The people here are quite friendly before drinking hours start... especially here in Camden. The rest of the music scene here is amazing, too hard to keep track of it all to be honest. The rent is expensive (i used to be in Zone 1, hemorrhaging £700 a month) and the beers are expensive too
BLACKPOOL is where i went to uni and is a really fun/ friendly place to live. There were quite a few 8bit musicians too, such as Flanboy and Spacecadet. Beer was cheap as water and the air was pretty fresh. Plus Flanboy used to organise stuff like the 8bitball at Jenx
also I used to live in the Isle Of Man (and visit family there regularly) where the music scene is dire. Heavy on tribute and folk bands, I don't think a single chip gig has been put on there ever! I'd be too scared to suggest it too. but we do have lots of FIBRE GLASS COWS!!!
I might move to Vancouver in a few years time, looks nice there....
57 Mar 8, 2010 10:26 pm
Re: THE LATEST CASE OF PLAGIARISM!!! (28 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i did a song called 'sorethumbthrob' about 2 years ago as monkeydisco, totally ripped off silverstein's guitar lead and got away with it...
58 Mar 7, 2010 4:05 am
Re: some gameboy classic mods (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
The envelope one seems very interesting
59 Mar 4, 2010 8:50 pm
Re: BEEP#2 / LONDON / DATE TBA / DAVID SUGAR + COVOX + MORE (39 replies, posted in General Discussion)
COVOX! are you kidding? i'm so there, i wrote off the thought of ever seeing covox. nice one
61 Mar 4, 2010 8:35 pm
Re: POLL: Chip- is it a hobby or a job? (52 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hobby, my job is robots.
*elaborate* !
62 Mar 4, 2010 8:32 pm
Re: Photography (73 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
57 wrote:nice, did you develop it yourself?
I did, actually! DIY development can be fun, but gets tedious. Shame all my chemicals went bad. I want to try C-41, but the temperature control is intimidating. Have you any experience with this?
unfortunately only had one class on the subject, and it wasn't a practical! but i love the idea of using 35mm in a holga. did you use the special back conversion kit? i am currently experimenting using a plastic lomo lens on a nikon f80... quite excited about the results.
64 Mar 2, 2010 6:04 pm
Re: Photography (73 replies, posted in Graphics, Artwork & Design)
57 wrote:thanks,
I did a degree in Wildlife Photography!
Your experience really shows.
What post processing do you do?
thanks, means a lot.
basically, at the time the raw file would go through a program like capture 1, then i did a little contrast, colour balancing, hue/sat, sharpen/grain etc... the basics. however that was before i trained as a retoucher! which i am doing now (lol) at work. Oh and blatently, the fox and squirrel is a comp (shh)