and what might that peripheral be?
481 Mar 22, 2013 8:09 pm
Re: Difference in US Gameboy Advance vs. european? (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
482 Mar 22, 2013 6:54 pm
Re: Difference in US Gameboy Advance vs. european? (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
As far as I know portable devices don't have pal or NTSC
483 Mar 21, 2013 9:57 pm
Re: Want to sell your merch at Eindbaas? send them to me! (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
I'll send you guys a PM with info's
484 Mar 20, 2013 11:39 pm
Re: UK i need your help! Ebay item re-sent (7 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Easier would be to get someone's address, buy the item yourself and give the address as shipping address. That way the other person won't have to pay for your item first.
After that, you pay person X some extra monies for the shipping and you're done.
485 Mar 20, 2013 11:07 pm
Re: Want to sell your merch at Eindbaas? send them to me! (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
Since i'm showing up to the Event anyway i just will walk up to the table and place a bunch of handdrawn 9-Heart Stickers.
I just can't afford stickers with my logo. Well, i could, but these are one of a kind.
Will look like this & other designs:
These are even cooler than printed stickers
486 Mar 20, 2013 10:31 pm
Topic: Want to sell your merch at Eindbaas? send them to me! (23 replies, posted in Past Events)
Hello good people of the interwebs.
I run the merchandise stand at the Eindbaas events, where we usually sell some eindbaas shirts, some stuff of the acts playing that night, and some homemade gizmo's.
We've got a cool table, and quite a few interested people.
A lot of people seem to be interested in buying music, but the acts don't always bring cd's or whatnot themselves, so i thought, let's ask the internet!
So my plan is: if you want to sell / give away your cd / usbstick / tape / vinyl / bandcampcodes / stickers on Eindbaas, send them to me, and i'll put them on the table.
My plan is roughly this:
- You sent me some cd's
- You tell me the price you want to sell them for
- I'll make a Box o' cd's on the merch stand, if possible, I'll place an MP3 player there with some samples of the cd's, so people can have a listen
- If you sell something, I sent you the money via paypal minus 10%
- If you don't sell something, I can either send the cd's back (if you pay shipping) or simply keep them till the next Eindbaas (we do an Eindbaas every 3-4 months or so)
If you're interested, drop a line here, or send me a PM and we'll work something out
487 Mar 20, 2013 10:21 pm
Re: [AMS, NL - 26/04/2013] EINDBAAS 12: Anamanaguchi, knife city, JDDJ3J + (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
UT should actually be AMS...
Goddamn this is going to be epic. I hope I'll remember what happened this edition for a change.
The stuff you do at eindbaas... You don't want to remember that. Trust me, I've seen it.
488 Mar 20, 2013 4:13 pm
Re: [AMS, NL - 26/04/2013] EINDBAAS 12: Anamanaguchi, knife city, JDDJ3J + (12 replies, posted in Past Events)
Shoedrinking... Now there's an addiction i could get used to.
489 Mar 19, 2013 12:11 pm
Re: Programming the Arduino Pro Mini (9 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
did you install the FTDI drivers?
490 Mar 19, 2013 1:30 am
Re: My humble game free for today. (3 replies, posted in General Discussion)
4th place!
491 Mar 17, 2013 2:42 am
Re: Warstware WAOSS PAD for sale now. (30 replies, posted in Trading Post)
What he said.
492 Mar 16, 2013 3:15 pm
Re: How can I start/stop LSDJ with my Arduinoboy and midi? (4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Of you put it in midi or slave mode and press start on the gameboy, it will say WAIT and should start playing when it receives a start signal via midi...
493 Mar 15, 2013 5:08 pm
Re: FS: Superbusty samurai monkey shirts (7 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Fuck yeah bitches! I'm rocking a SBSM shirt!
-end of message-
494 Mar 11, 2013 9:28 pm
Re: Customized gear thread (1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
also: stalactites has tit in them.
tits tend to hang when they are old.
works better in dutch i guess