Without listening to your songs I say: you should do whatever the hell makes you happy.

Open the battery cover and look through the hole. The CPU is stated there


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

nymonym wrote:

I apologize if I confused anyone but myself.

I like that sentence, I'm gonna use it from now too.


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

equipped with six arduinos, and many other mods.

Wait, what?

Well, that would be the limitations of 4bit sounds probably wink

metatronaut wrote:

and also if it won't set m house on fire :3

That would be a plus, yes...

So I came acros this story:
http://www.pcworld.com/article/2928997/ … rcent.html

A little gadget that gets more bang out of your battery. Would be really usefull in those portable gaming devices we like to use smile. It says it'll boost your battery up to 800%

I'm guessing most of us have a bag full of half empty batteries laying about...

We'll see, it's supposed to launch in september after an indigogo.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you're only going to use it for lsdj there is no need to bi-vert. just invert the screen and then set lsdj to the inverted colour scheme, does the same thing smile

turboninja wrote:


Not if you want DIN MIDI...

I like Men of Mega's Porter.
because it comes with an actual Porter


(6 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

What program are we talking about here?

cats cats cats!

nitro2k01 wrote:

SEO. Google ranks pages based on how many links they have. These spam various forums and posts links between each place they spam. That way, google (supposedly) thinks these pages are really hot. And then from each spam post, there's also a link to their real page, the one that sells something or so.

Ah, that makes sense.

It's basically doing "look how important this one link is since it's everywhere"

next question
I get the crappy google translate sentences, but what's with the random animal names?
They seem to be really fond of daddy long leg spiders and bird of prey...

calmdownkidder wrote:

because people click on them. clicks = traffic = money. Don't click on them, or even respond, just Report 'em.

Traffic where?

They lead to other special interests forums like these. How can they make a profit out of that?

This week there were a couple of spam posts made on the forum. Happens everywhere of course, but it amazes me how abstract (for a lack of other word) they are. I mean, most of them make no sense at all, apart from making funny headlines over the talking C.

The last one that was posted seems to address a new Snoop Dogg album. I clicked some of the links (I know, you shouldn't, but i'm on a computer at work anyway) and it takes me mostly to other fora where the same post is repeated

Now if it was a post with links about making your willy bigger, I get that.. But this, they're not selling anything.
What's the use of these posts?

I know this isn't chipmusic related. But in a way, it is. tongue


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Popsicle Theory wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

You guys have to understand that there was this old site that people got really heated about the likes on, and everyone who wasn't a dick came here, and then the old one died, so the weird rules meant to prevent the new place from becoming the old people all the sudden made less sense.

I miss 8bc