I know that Ty (dispyz) originally wrote Raverblood in 1995 and recorded various forms of the tune on different cassette releases. These cassettes featured other chip-based material and had a circulation of about 100 in the Midwest when Radiograffiti was strictly a cassette imprint. You might have to ask him for details though.
561 May 6, 2010 8:38 pm
Re: Chipmusic in the 1990s - Do you know any? (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
562 May 2, 2010 3:50 pm
Re: black-metal break-dance (20 replies, posted in Collaborations)
563 Apr 30, 2010 2:16 pm
Re: I Fight Dragons: Cool is Just a Number (39 replies, posted in Releases)
you know what, i'm getting really. fucking. tired. of people shoving unconditional positivity and acceptance down my throat. don't get on my case just because you dont have any standards.
564 Apr 29, 2010 11:34 pm
Re: I Fight Dragons: Cool is Just a Number (39 replies, posted in Releases)
geh, you guys are just in tune with your interests and not afraid to be honest no matter how unpopular the thought may be. although i dont personally LOVE LOVE LOVE IFD, i wish them well on their musical journey and dont believe that their success is in any possible way detrimental to chipmusic. (congrats dudes!)
also @scienceguy: good for you, like what you like and don't give in to the hate!
565 Apr 28, 2010 9:02 pm
Re: [UPDATE] your music on kitsch-bent flashplayer (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
if there is no quality control then won't it be kind of lame to have horrible music playing? just sayin'
Quality control, in *my* chiptune?
566 Apr 28, 2010 2:45 pm
Re: I Fight Dragons: Cool is Just a Number (39 replies, posted in Releases)
You know, now that I see it in text form I need to wonder if they called the cops on the whole thing.
567 Apr 28, 2010 2:43 pm
Re: I Fight Dragons: Cool is Just a Number (39 replies, posted in Releases)
those guys showed up to a house party i was playin with anamanaguchi / starscream / bud melvin, refused to pay to get in, and then spent the whole time on the back porch and not listening to the music
also their music is bland frat rock, they have nothing to do with this scene and they are not good.
I remember this. This is the night when Ty's set was busted by the cops and the kids hid behind you while you held two 40's and three blunts.
They WERE on the back porch and WERE salty that no one gave a shit.
568 Apr 27, 2010 8:04 am
Re: Lo-fi 12"s and various old video game ads/whatnot. (49 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Funny that the Battle records were dedicated to Australians (Bloody Fist) by two guys from WI and both of you bought the two copies we had.
Good to know they arrived safely. I'm pretty sure there's more Amiga hardcore vinyl in this collection.
569 Apr 21, 2010 2:04 pm
Re: [NY] Pulsewave • 2010.04.17 · Albino Ghost Monkey, Balún, 8bit bEtty (68 replies, posted in Past Events)
I'm into film and I like video editing and stuff, but I'd rather enjoy a show and really be there rather than watch it through a viewfinder so I can sort-of enjoy it later.
Furthermore, when I'm at a show I like to let loose and really experience the fact that I'm around others. Heckle, drink, dance, etc. So many younger types treat shows like they are watching television.
570 Apr 19, 2010 3:12 pm
Re: [NY] Pulsewave • 2010.04.17 · Albino Ghost Monkey, Balún, 8bit bEtty (68 replies, posted in Past Events)
Wisconsin Represent.
571 Apr 19, 2010 4:31 am
Re: is this chipmusic? (30 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Does anyone else want to kick this kid straight in his mouth?
572 Apr 16, 2010 7:40 pm
Re: Norrin_Radd - Anomaly (55 replies, posted in Releases)
No one's even had time to overlook that, you said it like three posts up. I was just saying I disagree about them not meshing well.
Sorry Moldilox, I was referring to this line from arfink: "Sorry if I've unleashed a storm of negative criticism Norrin Radd...".
573 Apr 16, 2010 7:20 pm
Re: Norrin_Radd - Anomaly (55 replies, posted in Releases)
Funny how me essentially giving it an A+ is quickly overlooked because I said it sounds like joke music to *me*.
It's for some yes, but to *me* these two styles will never sound 100% legit until non-synthesized drums are used, and the nes sample kicks just don't move any air. Not the artist's fault, it's just the way it is.
574 Apr 16, 2010 6:10 pm
Re: Norrin_Radd - Anomaly (55 replies, posted in Releases)
Taken by themselves, the tunes and vocals are pretty good. I don't think they mixed as well as one would have hoped. Honestly, I was kinda digging the heavy NES sounds, but every time the vocals would come in I'd just start laughing at how rather... well, silly it sounded. Don't get me wrong, it's a pretty good album, but I don't think the mix of NES with screaming sounds dark and metal-ey.
Thanks for the joy though! The last few tunes which didn't have any vocals were certainly more my style, and I'll keep the album around for that reason.
I'm a big metal fan and certainly get what this is all about. I was really looking forward to this having been exposed to chip through the likes of Baseck, Dispyz, Unas and Overthruster. The programming here is absolute pro-status, and the vocals are good, well-rounded metal vocals. On their own the two are great but when you have metal vocals over an NES the results are, well, really lame and come off as a curious novelty.
Ok I'll be honest here: it's fucking ridiculous and ruin potential for a perfectly good chip *or* metal album. I'm not singling you out either, I've told Baseck the same in the past. A+ for effort and execution but angry metal vocals on chip music will always sound like joke music to me.
575 Apr 15, 2010 11:36 am
Re: Lo-fi 12"s and various old video game ads/whatnot. (49 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Other Amiga Battle 2x12" is gone.
576 Apr 14, 2010 1:20 pm
Re: Lo-fi 12"s and various old video game ads/whatnot. (49 replies, posted in Trading Post)
No I was never a local. I just have an awesome record collection.
I have a lot of the Distort catalog, but unfortunately it's got some holes to fill.
Well keep an eye out for D13, to be released within another month or two. Word on the street says it's a Stagediver 12" with some absolutely slamming Amigacore. Pressing: only 150 copies.