(55 replies, posted in Sega)




(17 replies, posted in Releases)

Gonna have to region switch one of my C's.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Make up a few verses of goofy lyrics, add a new tune to the second verse and then forget all the lyrics. Maybe that will mix it up a bit.

What do those sound like?


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Spinning 'round and 'round


Hows life; aspirations; personal progress?


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yes, please upload a close up photo of the chip. If I am correct, then Handheld legends offers an SMD chip to work with, and hand soldering wires to these can be easy to short.


(55 replies, posted in Sega)

freezedream wrote:

yikes Sounds like a great idea! Is this completely open to anyone? Won't there be a limit of how many tracks you can fit on the cartridge?

Yeah, there will be a limit of course, but songs tend to be rather small. A sample ROM we looked at ended up being less than 512KBs with 14 tracks!

yeah, following the leads will work just fine. However, if you prefer to use the 04, you can just swap taht board into the better shell.
I suggest modifying the newer CPU revision though


you're welcome. smile


I'll go ahead and play devil's advocate. My favorite headphones are "KOSS UR20"
You can find these over-the-ear headphones on Amazon for around 14-17 USD.

They are remarkably comfortable and have a very wide frequency response. No, they are not high-end or top-tier, whatever but they work well and probably reflect the average phone your audience is going to be using. They don't exaggerate bass, or filter noise; you get nothing but honest sound.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

