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Search options (Page 83 of 87) / Forums / Posts by Jazzmarazz
Topics by Jazzmarazz
Posts found: 1,313-1,328 of 1,378
Jazzmarazz: 2 boards (paid)
Bitman: 1 board ready-2-go (unpaid) = $49.29
Katsumbhong: 1 board ready-2-go (paid)
DCS: 2 pre-soldered boards (Paid)
Kineticturtle: 1 kit, pre-soldered chips (paid)
Kitsch: 2 boards (Paid)
Doctormark77: 1 board ready-2-go (Paid)
Nearly there. xD
Alley Beach wrote:WOW, you use a radioshack iron?! thats skill right there man.. a little trick i do to desolder chips is to put them in a frying pan for a few minutes. put the board in the pan durring preheat to warm the board up and then once it starts to reflow, pull the ic within 30 sec and get it outta there hahaha. you dont really want it in there too long, or i can damage components
i did this once to a cart, and the battery blew up... made a nice little mess 
I can't say I will ever try that. lol
in any case, I just ordered this. I spent a lot of time discussing and weighing my options. This station won nearly unanimously!
Just so everyone knows, I nearly have all of the money collected so we are well on schedule!
Come Monday, the gerbers will be sent away and boards will be returned. You all know the rest. 
Also stay tuned for many many more board printings. I am sure I have already thought of it, but send me ideas anyhow.
browntastic wrote:To answer all of your questions:
@thursdaycustoms The mode switch is a momentary switch.
@Alley beach The LEDs are in correctly, and I checked them again to see if they were working (they are).
@xray303 I have tried powering the Arduino through the link cable, with USB, and power supply, plus variations of all three.
@2PLAYER The LEDs don't light up when powered. I've checked the link cable lines, and they seem to be in order.
@Jazzmarazz The link cable is coming directly from the GameBoy. I harvested the link port from an old broken DMG.
The GameBoy doesn't seem to power the Arduino on its own. Maybe this has something to do with it? When I plug in a power supply to the Arduino the LEDs don't light up. Does this mean I fried something on the board?
Thanks for all the responses.
P.S. I've got a backlight on the DMG from Kitsch Bent. Plugging in the Arduino causes it to turn on. Is this normal?
Wait, you say that the arduino will power the gameboy LED? That means you do have power in your link cable...
Are you positive that you programmed the arduino correctly? What pops up on your computer once you hook it up?
basspuddle wrote:it looks like a genuine nintendo dmg-04. is that right?
as far as i know, the dmg-04s don't have a +5v power line.
i may be wrong though.
You are correct, the do not have this connection. The lead must be salvaged from another pin and if he has not done that, then no powah...
My question is, where is your link cable coming from? I see you have modded up a link port, so I hope you're not linking your game boy to a four player adapter and THEN the arduinoboy. There would be no power because the four player adapter would not transfer power from one port to another.
Glitch Militia wrote:Also can I ask how you soldered CPU? I've done this myself long ago with a hot air soldering station.
All by hand, brother. I used chip quik to remove the CPUs and my RadioShack iron to put them back in. I will be buying an SMD station very soon though, but on ly intend to use the hot air while removing components.
Haha, I see your polarized in the first pic now.:lol:
8bitDAD wrote:don't be afraid to make only one post and include multiple items.
K, I will from now on.
thnikk wrote:You're alive! Nice new stuff. I can really feel the love in your gameboys 
I'm still too scared to drill holes for rca jacks. I've done it before and it always comes out fine but I can't help but cringe when I think about it.
Alive? I remember you from 8BC Jack, it just took me awhile longer to register here on CM. IIRC, it rejected me several years back so I never tried again until recently. 
I have drilled holes in all colors of DMG's EXCEPT for blue and white. Not that I have ever seen one in person, but I wouldn't go within 15 feet of one with any kind of object. 
Lazerbeat wrote:Did anyone else read this as "game pornstar"? I assume this says more about me than the game...
Oddly enough, I did not and I am NOT known for my saintly train of thought.
SecretAgentLuna wrote:UPDATE!
The LSDJ cart started acting the SAME way with my other gameboys, so I replaced the battery and now it works on all of them!
The only thing I can note with the DMG is that when you start playing whatever notes you have tracked out, the contrast on it goes up a tiny bit.
Is this normal?
I still have the option to send it back to the person who sold it to me.
Should I do that?
Very normal. And I quote...:
Everything you wanted to know about The gameboy... wrote:NOTE: DURING THE ALL SOUND OFF MODE, GB POWER CONSUMPTION DROPS BY 16% OR MORE!
Full article here.
Alley Beach wrote:dude i think those rca jacks just make it pop SOOO much better L:
You like? I like too. 
I normally buy the silver ones but radio shack was cleaned out at the time. That actually reminds me, I need to add a load of them to my mouser cart...
Posts found: 1,313-1,328 of 1,378 / Forums / Posts by Jazzmarazz