my.Explosion wrote:
xX 8 BIT CHAMPION Xx wrote:

Is Renoise pronounced rə.nwaz or ri:.noiz?

Pretty sure its rə.nwaz... It doesn't have an audible "noise" word that's for sure... I've been burned before.

Aaaaactually... I'm not even sure it's supposed to have an audible 's' in there???

30 seconds on google =

Considering Renoise is a successor of NoiseTrekker, there shouldn't be much doubt how to pronounce it...

Stuff for mac (since a lot of people seem to be ignoring that part) I haven't seen mentioned

Schism Tracker

y'all stupid for not digging this


(3 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Yo I'm a dick on the internet and I thought this was surprisingly good for a first chip track

We're 5/6th of the way there! … rex-rocket

Just because you don't want to hear them doesn't mean my points (other than the avatar) are cheap shots.

Conversely, if you don't like reading posts that aren't unconditionally supportive, you don't have to stay either.

TalkPolite wrote:

So apparently all ive done is make it painfully obvious that Ive only been exposed to the genre officially for a week.

TalkPolite wrote:

And there are a couple chip tune pages yes. One chiptune page that facebook generated from searches, that people dont update, and two chip tune/step pages that havent been updated since 2011.

TalkPolite wrote:

I got into the music and instantly wanted to create a community based off the awesome sounds that I was exposed to.

These are probably connected. A lot of people get into chip, get really excited about it, and then stop. You'll probably be bored of all this by 2014. There's a weird thing that the internet, and especially social media, has done to people, it makes them think that just enjoying something isn't good enough, and that they need to contribute, create, and be known for contributing and creating, regardless of their experience with it. You found out about chip a week ago on newgrounds, that's fine, but you don't need to appoint yourself to any sort of position other than someone who listens to an incredibly small amount of chip.

TalkPolite wrote:

And the pokeball avatar dances - thats why i picked it big_smile

That doesn't make it better, or okay.

TalkPolite wrote:

The address is (it wouldnt let me use chiptune for some odd reason)

Because it's taken.


(3 replies, posted in Sega)

Okay, so for some reason, I tried it again, doing exactly the same stuff as before, and it worked this time. I flipped the chip around (always seemed like the side with the indent goes on the left in other boards), but I've also tried this a bunch before just to be sure. Don't know why this time is different.

Problems I was having are still remaining though, so I guess I'm gonna re-build the arduino portion of it.


(3 replies, posted in Sega)

Yeah I verify it and it comes out fine. It's USB only, it's a newer type of eprom programmer I guess?


(3 replies, posted in Sega)

Okay, so I'm trying to run little-scales SMSM on my Japanese SMS. I've got an Everdrive and an SMS gender adapter, but since the OSv6 that works with the gender adapter is incomplete (and was kind of hard to find), I'm trying to make a cart just for the SMSM rom. I've had troubles running it through the Everdrive (some CC commands seem to overwrite other CC commands / trigger weird effects on other channels)

I've got a donor cart (Pro Baseball Gold Cartridge). Took out the MPR-11127 chip, put in a 28-pin socket (cause I knew I'd be messing up with the EPROM programming), etc all of that. I just can't get the files to work though. It brings up a blank, black screen, doesn't go to the BIOS screen. It did once, but hasn't since.

I've got some 27C256's, which little-scale told me would definitely work. I also tried programming an SMS game to one of them and putting it in the board for Great Basketball (non-japanese cart) and tried that through the gender adapter, and got the same results.

So basically that was a long winded way of saying that I probably have no idea how to use my EPROM programmer, and can someone walk me through it?

I have a TOP853 universal programmer, USB style, and it runs with TopWin6.

Things I may be doing wrong:

1) When I select the chip from the tree, I always do general->27C256, because these chips aren't produced by any company that comes up on the list (most are ST brand M27C256B, one just has a big S on it labeled 27C256)

2) I just import the .SMS to the data buffer. I'm not sure if I need to convert the file to another format

3) I'm not really sure what to do with any of the other settings. They come up as the following:

* signifies the setting i've been using

Unlabeled drop down->
.BIN binary (*)
.HEX Intel hex
.JED GAL jedec
.CDS Elan binary
.MHX micon hes
.SVF test ascii
.S motorola

Another unlabeled drop down->
Normal (*)
Event (1st of 2) (just realized this is a typo for even)
Odd (2nd of 2)
1st byte of 4
2nd byte of 4
3rd byte of 4
4th byte of 4

Fill Mode->
No Clear
Fill by '00'
Fill by 'FF' (*)

and Buffer start (HEX): 00000 (never touched this)

Things I'm pretty sure I'm doing right:

all the chips are definitely blank when I write to them

the writing process doesn't produce any errors.

I think that's everything. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Alright so last night I took off the step-down chip and started wiring everything. Now I'm getting no response from the screen, and the AC adaptor starts buzzing when it's connected to the header-pin spots.

Yo I'm a dick but I ain't no troll


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Oh nice! I think i've figured out which piece is which for the chip, not sure about the header pin spots though

nm found the resistance on those with a potentiometer, although there's a three header pin spot section that also shows resistance


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Screen flickers on for a bit every 2 seconds. Not sure what else to try.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

i'm not really sure where that is, do i have to de-solder the RF box?

guess not, just needed to pull that shield off the bottom. hmmm