(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

These noobs ain't gonna pwn themselves.


(104 replies, posted in Releases)

Doxic wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

Well the "links hub" is only 16 links, plus 6 artist links, 1 of which i've heard anyone else mention before.

And the links hub includes his own personal site, a ROM site, bandcamp and soundcloud, and 4 different links that all go to retrousb.

It's hilarious phrase AND the site is bad. It's basically a vanity project with no real substance.

Which you could argue is the entire reason for him asking for links.

You could also argue that if these are all the links he knew of on his own, he probably shouldn't be starting a website for chip-related links.

Also, when I said dogshit dildo, I was referring to how a completely irrelevant Dragon Ball Z meme image made me feel about visiting a site. It could've been any site and I would've felt the same way.

Also, please imagine how awful it would be to try to derive pleasure from a dogshit dildo. Just because!


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I use caps to denote sarcasm since using caps when you're angry just makes you look like a spaz.


(104 replies, posted in Releases)

nerdsome wrote:

"Dogshit dildo" might be a hilarious phrase but the site isn't that bad.

Well the "links hub" is only 16 links, plus 6 artist links, 1 of which i've heard anyone else mention before.

And the links hub includes his own personal site, a ROM site, bandcamp and soundcloud, and 4 different links that all go to retrousb.

It's hilarious phrase AND the site is bad. It's basically a vanity project with no real substance.


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also what's the over/under on VGMstar being shawn?


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It's mostly me. I'm okay with it.

Yeah I'm a dick when someone starts a topic instead of a simple forum or google search. There's pretty much no excuse for laziness when you're online, everything is like 15 seconds away, tops.

Or if it's about something shitty and childish like pokemon or dragon ball z.

But mostly I don't believe unconditional encouragement benefits anyone in the long run.


(104 replies, posted in Releases)

nerdsome wrote:

You make me hate this forum.....


Elipses are stupid too. If you've got more to say, say it. If you don't, use a god damn period.

stancoolness wrote:

apparently super saiyans make some people completely ignore the entire point of the website...

Putting a completely unrelated super saiyan meme sort of ignores the entire point of the website too. What do you have over 9000 of? Game Boys? Links? Songs? Hits? There probably aren't even over 9000 words on the entire site.

And elipses are still stupid.


(104 replies, posted in Releases)

If the first thing I see is a Dragon Ball Z image, I've already decided the site is a dogshit dildo.

Act like you got some god damn sense.


(8 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Bit wish wrote:

I dont use it, or renoise to be exact, mainly due to the names being re-diculous.

stop being stupid


(8 replies, posted in Audio Production)

probably everyone in this thread http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/9790/ … ds-reason/


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

when everyone else is asleep

what are you doing


(49 replies, posted in Trading Post)

zaxxon wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

So now we know who has way too much money for Game Boys. RUSH HIM

I'm sorry if you think my prices are high but I think my prices are pretty fair (and negotiable). For example BR1GHT PR1MATE got his gameboy for lower than 86 dollars. I just start them at 86 and then after receiving various offers I sell to the person with the best offer.

well first, i was mostly commenting because it's tacky to say someone bought something from you (and how much they did or didn't pay) when it seems like it was a private deal

second, even though yours are reasonably priced compared to other ones, I don't think any of them are actually "reasonably" priced.


(49 replies, posted in Trading Post)

zaxxon wrote:

This gameboy was sold to BR1GHT PR1MATE. Enjoy your new gameboy! big_smile

So now we know who has way too much money for Game Boys. RUSH HIM


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

write more songs


(44 replies, posted in Trading Post)

ram wrote:

I accept payments through both paypal and bitcoins.
