(38 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i don't get it how am i supposed to write music like this


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Isn't this like the third topic we've had about this?

Bit wish wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

well i hope you learned why you don't half-mod a gameboy when you have an event coming up

Ok, first of all, ive done a prosound before and i know the level of volume it puts out. I just took all the solder off and re-did it with new wire. For the even i just used bgb and had a line connected to the speakers. It wasn't as glorious but it worked.

if you've done it before why didn't you just use that game boy


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

postal service always sounded annoying to me


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

nerdsome wrote:
Saskrotch wrote:

pretty much anything with a female DB9 will work. Sega Genesis and Master System controllers are both DB9.

That's cool.  I've never heard that before.  I don't have any Sega controllers to try it out though.

i've been using a Genesis pad with my Master System just cause the SMS controller's D-Pad is junk.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

float.bridges wrote:

That'd be rad! I've also heard that Sega Genesis controllers work on the 2600 for whatever reason.

pretty much anything with a female DB9 will work. Sega Genesis and Master System controllers are both DB9.


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

uXe wrote:

...buy this instead:



well i hope you learned why you don't half-mod a gameboy when you have an event coming up

the headphone jack is usually very quiet after a prosound job. test the RCA levels.

Oh good I wasn't tired of seeing this in recent posts!

Saskrotch wrote:

I dunno if it updated it since the alpha, and since I already did it, but if you can't get the mac version running, hit the Go menu in finder->Go to folder and type in /usr/, then drop the libSDL-1.2.0.dylib in the lib folder.

i wasn't paying a ton of attention to the video but since you opened the dylib file in terminal i figured this might be it

oh man i've been waiting for a band to do nintendo music

uh this is old, minusbaby bumped it to let people know they're selling that specific machine again (or a version of it)

edit: so it should probably go in other hardware?

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Aaaand we've reached the Hitler jokes. Can this thread just fucking cease nao pls kthnxbai

technically it's partly a joke about how hitler jokes always show up in internet discussions

hey you know who else liked to keep lists and cataloged a certain type of person?


I just think it's ironic that the closing post was "not required".