also sega bass fishing and cosmic smash are surprisingly fun
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch
also sega bass fishing and cosmic smash are surprisingly fun
it's too bad you're not that into fighting games cause the dreamcast was one of the best systems for 2d fighters.
think i might play some jet grind radio now though
what about, like, music
it's cause i never get tired of combing pussy out of my hair
10 minutes is a lot of music to write for $100.
cause pokemon is the best game to play it is so good to play
i like to meet new people and then silently strangle them in an alley and move to a different state
because i want to dj a spaghetti banquet.
i do it so i can toil in obscurity until the day i finally kill myself
so i can write an answer in this kind of thread every 4-6 months
Like, all those years of awesome tunes by long-gone artists.
guess they were just going through a phase
don't hold your breath, dude's kind of disappeared for like a year
and here are those songs with the Directsound channels muted
A Total War
Offense and Defense
there are GBA games that use the 4 GB channels along with the 2 Directsound channels.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch