duuuuuuuuude, meta
no you're thinking of a remix of the concept of remixes
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch
duuuuuuuuude, meta
no you're thinking of a remix of the concept of remixes
"This is testament to the power of 8 bit music!"
Ah, the good old days.
you weren't there
it's a remix of a skrillex remix of a benni benassi song
someone get a kickstarter going for bail
why are you talking about this
before i opened this i said to myself "what are the odds this is about pokemon"
so wait is m4g still the only one that utilizes the directsound channels? ugh when is he gonna finish that
Downstate wrote:Chiptunes = Win ? Why such a shitty name ? Could only be worse if it was Chiptunes = FTW. imo of course.
no, he's right
well i'm gonna keep using it.
jefftheworld wrote:just an average musician who knows how to play flight of the bumble bee.
the average musician can't play flight of the bumblebee, that's not an average kind of song..................
i'm always amazed at peoples inability to just figure this one out. especially now that everyone's got an ipod and a car with an aux input.
all i've been using my PSP for is emulators, reading comic books, and cave story
you guys got no ambition. clearly it would be a project where Hally and Virt work together.
fallout boy avatar's are so original I love you and your style
to everyone that thinks i'm a dick on here: at least i'm not like this
yeah, buy some nude pics, get free stickers
how come i keep seeing people selling stickers and pins? those are supposed to be a bonus that comes with like, real stuff.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch