it would be cool if there was a tribute comp put together in secret by the people who performed it, Reformat style.
wait sorry, i thought this was still the joke thread, nevermind
double wait, what what is going on what in the dick is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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it would be cool if there was a tribute comp put together in secret by the people who performed it, Reformat style.
wait sorry, i thought this was still the joke thread, nevermind
double wait, what what is going on what in the dick
i get it
let's pay tribute by sacrificing ourselves
You want the LSDJ manager.
Let's you add and remove individual songs from a .sav as you please. Super useful.
LSDManager allows you to extract individual songs from a lsdj.sav file that's on your computer, and then load them into another lsdj.sav file.
dude there's no way you missed the second post in this thread
come on now
"I admittedly know nothing about this scene, but I have made a huge judgement on all of it."
guys stop blowing / shitting on treyfrey and listen to this humanoids/
Lazare wrote:Also treyfrey is all right, but just a little amateurish
srs, someone go get saskrotch, he'd have a field day in this thread
I've never listened to any TreyFrey. A ways back he was threatening IAYD because a bunch of other people were saying he sounded like an IAYD rip off, so I never listened to him.
i blame the gramercy theatre
lol superpowerless
Worms Armageddon soundtrack sounds like straight up C64 music
can someone please fucking close this
pokemon is so good thank you
Saskrotch wrote:uh Earthbound is what people who aren't in the know call Mother 2.
these sentences both point to the same thing
no they don't.
You're saying Mother 1 for the Famicom is called Earthbound, and that people who "aren't in the know" call it Earthbound Zero, while people who ARE "in the know" call it Earthbound.
Earthbound was the only game in the series released outside of Japan. This is Mother 2. Not Earthbound 2. There can't be 2 Earthbounds. / Forums / Posts by Saskrotch