thanks for explaining smile

Jazzmarazz wrote:
J3wel wrote:

I'm struggling to work out how the save function works? I'm not sure which buttons i need to be pressing to save a setting.. other than that I'm loving this rom so far!

rom only.

what do you mean?
I've flashed the rom onto my ems cartridge and it all works fine, but when I turn it off and on again I lose any settings I created. Do i need to flash over a blank .sav file as well?

I'm struggling to work out how the save function works? I'm not sure which buttons i need to be pressing to save a setting.. other than that I'm loving this rom so far! <----------

only watched the video has can't listen to it at work.. but besides the creepy bits with Pharrel in its actually quite a nice video :')


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

dat artwork wow and the ep is awesome

have you got any more pictures of the ardruino boy?

Thank you for the response.

It seems like midi would be the better option currently, I just had a thought and wanted to see if it was even slightly possible with my current equipment. Obviously not, well easily anyway.

I've recently bought an Arturia Microbrute analog synthesizer and after reading up on this article: … k-no-midi/

It got me thinking as to whether it would be possible to use the same method to sync my microbrute to pulses sent out by the WAV channel on my gameboy? The Microbrute has a CV gate in and a CV gate out port.

I am hoping that someone will be able to help me with this and maybe even give me some pointers regarding CV gates and how it all works.

I can also set the Microbrute to only play the step sequences its recorded to the pulses received by the CV gate, however I cannot seem to get it to sync at all.

I understand MIDI is another viable option however I'd like to see if this is possible first.

someone fly me out from the UK please


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Raverrevolution wrote:

So I just ruined yet another screen trying to fix some horizontal lines.  I figured I would take a hair drying to it, heat it up a bit, and see if the adhesive would soften up and dry up in a better spot.

Kitsch, if you can somehow make some replacements you'll be bringing to life 4 gameboys here.

I think I've had it with backlighting gameboys due to these crappy LCDs.  My nice 3 ones look great though and I hope they stay that way.

Its very difficult.. nearly impossible to fix horizontal lines on the gameboy LCD that may be why you were having trouble?

I've fixed 3 gameboys recently that had vertical lines by using a soldering iron to the strip like most tutorials say to do and it worked fine smile

DiamondEdition wrote:

Hey everyone,

the app is out now! Check for the trailer and the details.

I downloaded it the second I woke up this morning check out my instagram for something I tried out earlier today! I'm @J3WEL_

Love the app!

4 months man.. jeeezzz

Such an awesome release love it.

defiantsystems wrote:

Just keep writing is the best advice and when you do experiment with something new each time. Don't get into a rhythm with your writing or you won't progress.

Direct advice would be diversify your Pulse instruments especially if you're doing dub stuff. Try and make your Pulse instruments sound interesting and different. Sometimes a 50% duty cycle Pulse instrument works most of the time you're going to have to mess with tables and different commands to achieve better sound design.

I'll definitely look into that thanks for listening!!

I've been writing chiptune music for almost a year now and I feel like I've progressed a huge amount, but it'd be nice to hear what you guys think of the two tracks below and what I could do to improve even more?


This track is awesome! Like the comments on the track itself it feels very much like you've written it on a guitar and transposed it over which gives it an almost Rock type feel.. love it!