(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey. A bit of googling would yield you results, or paying attention to the page you purchased your USB Boy from. Basic codes, etc can be found on the Arduinoboy page. I also made a nifty cribsheet that is on both the kitsch-bent AND Thursday Customs USB Boy. It should have all the info you are looking for in a clean and easy to navigate format.http://thursdaycustoms.bigcartel.com/product/usb-boy

Justin, fill me in on this when things are said and done. School has me tied up but I want in on this later.


(48 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

In his thread we established that some of the MIDI code for the original Arduinoboy which interfaces with the Max patch is not present in the code for the USB Boy due to the Teensy code using Teensy libraries. It would require porting or rewriting a good bit of code. I'd be up to the task but not for at least a month. But all USB Boys are easy to upgrade firmware on. wink so there is room to roll out an update in the future

Should be able to fix this also by forcing note length/envelope and velocity of the notes down. ^

Pretty sure he doesn't know about it. Does the MAX plugin evin work in FL or Renoise? I know it does in Ableton.

Heyo. I used the USB Boy recently to drive a Gameboy Color with mGB when playing in a funk group. I used a USB MIDI keyboard and had it run through Ableton with the USB Boy to send output to my Gameboy Color. I experienced VERY little note dropping when using the Gameboy Color (has a processor twice as fast as the DMG's, perhaps you should try using a GBC).

I believe the issue of note dropping has to do with how the serial port on the Gameboy works, not something to do with the USB Boy. You might want to experiment with the LSDJ keyboard setting on the USB Boy and prepared LSDJ instruments if you want to do single-line stuff.

As far as the 4-audio out method... not really. It's easiest to prosound 2 Gameboys and use 2 instances of LSDJ with the same song playing (synced one master one slave) with channels panned left and right (pu1 and pu2 on one DMG being L and R, WAV and Noise on DMG 2 being L and R) then sending all of those into a mixer or audio interface. I haven't tried it, but I know that it *should* work. It isn't possible to do a quadruple prosound due to the nature of the Gameboy's synthesis being done in the CPU and mixed down into stereo channels before it hits the amp.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Breezed through it, tons of things are clearly redundant. Perhaps try condensing it to one page or two, and forgoing spelling out chords to simply using interval names? Or simply establishing how chord building works based on the root note? Since you say in the letter on the second page that it doesn't require knowledge of music theory, it also doesn't state they should have a sense of pitch. If the latter were true, a condensed one-page guide advocating the use of transposition from the example would be extremely effective.

Bump for new things. Found a new post office near my town that is farther away, but no one complains about it.


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Not yet, personally, I've tried disassembling the GB Camera ROM and quickly got bored of it. It wouldn't be hard to create an IPS patch for the ROM to kill the check for the camera and dump you into the sequencer instead of the press start screen, but it is outside of my knowhow at the moment.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Buying the CD! Great work heart

You can ask kitsch, I have a lot of ideas as to how we could easily improve both the front and back PCB's for music production. Like others have said, arduino/teensy boy integration, easier prosound access, and depending on what we can do in the future with the CPU, traces for individual audio channels (pu1, pu2, wav, noise) would be awesome.

Perhaps we could even see a socketed CPU design?

Make sure you spelled their email address correctly when you sent the emails. May be going to a similarly named account that is inactive but exists. Just a thought.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

stargazer wrote:

I'm trying to decide if frontlighting my color is worth it. What are your thoughts?

I ditched my DMGs and Gameboy Pocket AND Gameboy Light in favor of modded GBCs. I prefer them for the size, average battery life with the frontlights, as well as the sound feeling "crisp" in some ways. The lack of bass can be an issue, but a bit of EQing with a mixer goes a long way. In my opinion, they are worth it alone if you use a AGS 001 front light that has minimal scuffs. I have the kitschbent frontlights, and they are usable but not nearly as clear. My opinion is to try out the kitschbent light, and see if you like how it feels and sounds to use the GBC before risking your money on a SP frontlight that might get scratched if you aren't SUPER careful.


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Bass boost, prosound, GBA SP frontlights. Authentic Japan-only cases mixed half and half with Kitschbent buttons.

I am terribly excited to have finished building these.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)


Check out my cribsheet for the USB Boy. Operates similarly to the Arduinoboy but over USB protocol. My explanations and enhancements from the info on the Arduinoboy/mGB page is not obvious, but it has info about the parameters you mentioned. Mostly waveform and envelope controls.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

stole the source pic from low gain's site. Cashing in the chips on this being what happened.