(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

the touch screen on the tb-3 is overkill. why does everything need a touch screen? ugghh hmm


(21 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

not a bad plugin but not entirely useful for my needs.

i still hope that one day somebody codes a tracker that saves out SPC songs to use on real hardware. I have tools to convert midi/mod/xm to SPC700 data but.. they are ancient and not perfect.  hmm wink


(15 replies, posted in Atari)

all i have is a readme file that came with the program and the help screen. the program is easy enough to use without docs big_smile


Deeyou wrote:

Is this just a triangle wave?

i loaded up the song into audacity and used a low pass filter to remove all
the high end noise from a small section of the song that was free of other sounds.

before filter:

after filter:


OMG. that was fantastic. brilliant little track.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

collin wrote:

my price range is about $20, I can go to $30. If that's too cheap, welcome to america. Pm me if your intrested, I am also willing to do any trades if anyone would like. I can get a pic of my games and stuff when I can.

prices for NES on ebay range from $40-$150, sometimes more.. (not including postage), and depends what is packaged with it (accessories, games etc.). I've seen some NESs sell for some crazy prices and I've seen them go for next to nothing. If you manage to pick one up for $20 then that would be the bargain of the century.. or broken smile

wrote songs on the toilet? hahah err.. noo, i've never tried that.

excellent videos.

I've used octamed, protracker and ahx on various amigas since the 90's.

boomlinde wrote:

never experienced it. you only ever experience it if you are a big fake. you get over it by not being a bad and unproductive musician

anyone who's into writing music hits a road block now and again. it happens.

genesisega wrote:

I always start songs then get to a point where there's nothing else to add (only a few patterns in). I keep opening my tracker listening and listening and listening.... Now I'm sick of what I made and want to scrap it. But I really enjoyed what I had before and thought it was gonna go somewhere. But the problem is I can't seem to figure out how the hell it's supposed to keep going. I guess they call it writers block. What do you do? Work on another song and have that one queued to work on later? Wait it out for way longer then just a few hours or a few days?

i'll start lots of songs using (whatever) program and then run out of ideas but I will keep them stashed away and come back to it another time. that always helps. i may come back to a song many months later and finish it off. i won't delete them. losing music sucks..even if it is unfinished or what you think at the time is 'meh'. you never know when you might need it. wink


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Grymmtymm wrote:

6. don't make trackers your only musical outlet, as knowing how to play at least one instrument can go a long way.

it helps..but that depends on the person. you can quite happily learn to make music with trackers without having to ever use or learn any instrument. trackers can teach people a lot. I don't agree with not making trackers your only musical outlet. I agree that it's probably good to get into more advanced sequencers but trackers like renoise, modplug etc. are incredibly powerful and flexible enough for most things.

keep on trackin' smile


Powerghost wrote:

I really enjoy your stuff smile
I'm definitely going to follow you on soundcloud♥

thx powerghost smile


(29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Limitbreak wrote:

How does one go about getting Cybertracker to run on it? Is it a floppy or a cartridge?

cybertracker was released as a floppy image. you'll need a way to transfer it to a floppy or you can get yourself one of those memory card readers for it instead. CT is an 'ok' program but it's no longer developed. give sid wizard a shot. It's excellent smile http://csdb.dk/release/?id=115599

too bad about the ram problem. hopefully you can get it fixed and there's nothing else on the board that's on its way out.



I'm adam, member of the C64 group called onslaught.. I write c64 music and do a little bit of programming. I also go by the name 'anthrium' when I create music for amiga/pc/etc. I have been writing music using computers for many years smile

nice website smile
