FL Studio is the shit. Go nuts my human.

Yo dude! Sounds good so far. What you need to do at this point is just make a lot more music with LSDJ. Don't focus on adding additional sounds/post production at this point, work on getting a good handle on the inner workings of LSDJ first. It seems like you've got some solid musical ideas, just keep attempting to develop those into cohesive songs. If you're having trouble getting sounds to mesh well try fooling around with lots of different volume envelopes and using tables to change the widths on your pulse instruments or to throw some quick panning tricks into the mix. Panning is important, work the stereo field to give your tracks a sense of space and depth. There are plenty of really good tutorials here, on Noichan and on youtube. Check those out for instrument and technique ideas. More than anything just try to do some tracking every day. There's no better way to improve than simply investing large amounts of time into doing the damn thing. Make the music you want to hear. Keep it up and have fun!


(55 replies, posted in Sega)

I'm all about it. I'll try to get something together for this.


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

Odd, beautiful and somewhat unsettling. The blend of music software at work here incorporates tracking with plenty of vivid samples that make for an interesting, cerebral vibe. Spacey, but engaging and very enjoyable. Cheers!


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Smooth, lush and emotional. Nice use of panning to give a sense of space. The majority of the album avoids higher BPM Dance music and leans heavily towards a moody "ambient with a pulse" vibe. Comparable to the work of remedmatika. An unexpected treat. Keep up the good work, intrepid w_anderer.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Sweet, all over the place pop/dance/classic VGM sounds. Sounds beautiful man.


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Coming in hot and aptly titled, Hi-Speed Mega Force is a 6 song collaborative split EP from Sudstep and NintenKwonDo! composed over most of 2016.
Featuring solid songwriting, catchy melodies and plenty of style delivered with burgeoning LSDJ chops.
This EP captures the spirit of fun of early 8BP releases (In my humble opinion) and shoots it through with a hearty dose of modern EDM power.

Hi-Speed Mega Force is the first in a planned series of free EP-length releases coming to IOUT from now 'till then.
These cats really stepped up to the plate and delivered, and the end result is the product of their hard work and home-grown talent.

Get it for free, you lucky dog:

Hi-Speed Mega Force


(29 replies, posted in Trading Post)

+1 catskull

This band leaps over the generic hordes of Anamanaguchi imitators and sprints onward towards something more insightful. Very much looking forward to the new album. Sorry to hear it will be your last.


(29 replies, posted in Trading Post)

+1 Comptroller
+1 catskull
+1 Theta_Frost

Another great collection of spot-on Sega sounds! More cohesive and album-like this time around. Really appealing soundtrack vibe. Favorite jam: Into The Disassembler. Runner Up: Virtual Heart.

Here's a working link to windows v3.4.2: http://schism-tracker.en.uptodown.com/
And A 69 page users manual courtesy of the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/SchismTrackerUsersManual

I've never used this tracker myself, and I don't know much about it, but it's always good to keep trackers and other legacy programs available. I'll find some samples and play around someday. smile

It looks like "the time" happened to be my closest payday. I have great faith that the keyboard will be a board, with keys. They even promise us that they'll be SUPER clicky. Oooohhhh. Clicky.

Sounds major! I assume one would primarily want to apply this in 2X, but it would be interesting to work a melody in on 1X.


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

Strong 2X release that uses the format to it's potential. No "this could have been done in 1X" moments. Satisfying Trance/Electro House vibes. Tasteful use of effects gives a polished feel. The originals specifically stand out to me as well written. Favorite jam: Time Dilation.