ok, this is cool. somehow, i just saw this thread. i could certainly use one of these myself....
we'll chat
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ok, this is cool. somehow, i just saw this thread. i could certainly use one of these myself....
we'll chat
Once this is released, I'll have to find another 8 Midi devices to make proper use of it.
i am also interested. me and a friend were just looking up info on building one ourselves the other day.
FInished the PCB layout today. Will be sending it out for manufacturing. I expect to have 20 pcb's in stock in about a week.. the rest of the parts will be in shortly as well.. I updated the board to have a +5V output as well just incase you want to incorporate this project into another box with something else that requires a +5V supply.
Anyways.. I'll get to writing up the pdf build document. Shouldn't take me too long.
Once i can spec out the BOM file i will have a price per kit figured out.
Ok. just kidding.
I wen through and made the circuit a little more efficient (electronically and physically).
Only sacrificed 1 Midi Thru to allow for fewer parts being used:
There she is.. I'll spec cost tonight and get totals and start up a thread in the trading post for sales.
Last edited by low-gain (May 2, 2010 4:03 pm)
Ok. just kidding.
I wen through and made the circuit a little more efficient (electronically and physically).
Only sacrificed 1 Midi Thru to allow for fewer parts being used:There she is..
I'll spec cost tonight and get totals and start up a thread in the trading post for sales.
Sweet >_<
Thanks for making these up Logan! My new music depends on it!
And my desire to live depends on your music UDA. hehehe
Just sent payment out for the PCB's.. they will be sexy and RED.
However, today is a holiday for china so that sets the order back by a day.
Once i receive the PCB's and build one up and confirm that the PCB works, I will then offer the kits up for sale.
I have a feeling these will go like hot cakes! Specially when i drop them on ebay.
Last edited by low-gain (May 3, 2010 1:04 pm)