If this discussion ceases for all time we will never hear from the guy who has the new insight which opens our minds to whole other worlds of possibilities.
This happens in things as objective as maths and science all the time; the chances of it happening with music conceptualization are high, and slight alterations to the question can shed new light.
For me, for now, the chipflip definition trinity seems the best we have.
At first glance I thought
tempsoundsolutions wrote:it doesnt matter...
if you want to shoehorn them into a classification instead of a feeling, then you're making art under completely plastic pretenses
had it nailed, but then
none of this makes any difference to the actual sounds I'm trying to make, it's more of a fun text based mini game to play while the other part of my brain works out how to finish those tracks it's working on.
Last edited by om (Nov 17, 2012 9:23 pm)