721 [PTE067] winter songs by lpower
by ptesquad
722 Jumpship - Reduction EP. Chiptunes with metal influence
by Bacon Rageelr
723 Junk Food & Alpaca's Song (Music for the Ludum Dare 38)
by Paltian
724 Live nanoloop 2 mix - classic mistake
by Jord
725 New EP very konami influenced
by Fretzone
726 A new duality micro release on BC
by dualitymicro
by Starshine
729 [CP076] Hypnodrive - Live @ BH 16.12.16
by Subway Sonicbeat
730 Legend of Hirimono - LoH
by SailodeGrenn
731 City of Forgotten Time - CoFT
by SailodeGrenn
732 Dungeon Explorer - DE
by SailodeGrenn
733 Lost Tomb of Magonza - LToM
by SailodeGrenn
734 3SID: C64 SID Music in 9 Voices
by Chordian
735 Heavy and happy chiptune experiments + sav
by IDecade
736 Dr. Zilog's 10th chiptune metal album now available for preorder
by Dr. Zilog
737 My 3rd Creative Commons Double-Sized Album (20 More Tracks!)
by SeamlessMusic
738 Classic Mistake - Mates Rates (nanoloop 2)
by Jord
739 VGM Composer Jumpship Music Releases 8-bit EP "Reduction"
by Bacon Rageelr
741 Awesome AdLib music by Johannes Bjerregaard
by Chordian
742 [BB011] Chantar by 2G1B
by TwoGamesOneBoy
743 Creative Commons Vol.1 & 2 Chiptunes (40 Fat Tracks!)
by SeamlessMusic
744 [CB070] Cheapbeats x Cheapbeats Vol.01
by cheapshot
746 Darry Booper - Jazz's Dead
by darrybooper
747 I'm looking for netlabel - I have 1 NES LP and 1 VA Compilation
by 8-BITchintendo
748 Rock Candy -- Rock Candy
749 8BP137 Aonami - Robokick Is My Copilot EP Vol. 1
by Bit Shifter
750 [PTE068] The Sky Runner EP by Pulsing!
by ptesquad