
In answer to 8 bit rex's question about keeping the tracks secret from others or not...hmmmm

I can see the upside to both approaches. On the one hand if we keep the tracks secret, it'll be an awesome surprise to hear them all together in the end. On the other hand, there is the possibility that allowing us to hear what's coming or what's already here could make the overall album a bit more cohesive. For example, going back into a few tracks and adding nods to works from other artists so that it feels more inner linked as an OST could really make this feel even more like all part of one game soundtrack. At the same time, I don't want to hamper anyone's individuality.

My thoughts on it? A *Secret* place where all the tracks are hosted and get updated could be available to all involved if they choose to look at it. However,it is not a requirement by any means to entering the compo. It could serve as a source of inspiration for tracks that generally have a similar theme in them. Like "Title theme" "Continue" theme, and  "Game over" theme for example. In many games those tracks and others seem to be variations of a central theme. Then again, just the fact that we have "Capcom/Konami" as our inspiration could make us sound similar enough tongue.  Gaaaahhh! *Head Explodes*

You know?  Whatever the majority decides I am absolutely cool with, However I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in what others have contributed smile. I think for this (since we already have a familiar setting) it may not be as big of an issue, However, if we in the future made an original "RPG" "Side scroller" ect. albums  not based on any previous soundtracks...I think the idea of sharing our tracks with one another would certainly be something to consider so that each song could relate to the other a little bit in some way.

Also, sorry my post is so long but it was a very good question! Anyway, that's my thought. For this compo, not completely necessary..but in the future it could be, Yep... tongue


I am currently working on a track that could serve as a nice *race* song. But if any of you had your hearts set on that one, we could put mine down as a "bonus round" track tongue. Oh wait, that's not up there. Well, I kind of thought of a race in a game like this to be a bonus round but either way I'll have another track to send you soon 8 Bit Rex! smile When I send it to you, we'll figure out where to put it big_smile.

Neo Jersey

i def want to get in on this. im not too picky so i'll take what's left over towards the end lol. i think its prob best to deviate from the konami / capcom sound anyway. for starters they both have a pretty distinct sound, so if anything it'd be best to choose just one. but no matter what we're going to end up with lots of different styles that probably aren't going to sound much like either company. i dunno, that's just my feelings.

Last edited by HPizzle (Jun 12, 2011 5:51 pm)

Chepachet, Rhode Island

I'd say take your pick now.  There are plenty available.  And I agree.  If this goes well, OST 2 will be in an original style.  The songs I've been sent for this all fit together very very well.  By Kap/Con I really meant merging the two (guitar sounding gritty leads and solos mixed with the signature megaman square wave pulse kick...things like that) and so far I'm really happy with the results.  REALLY happy.

I'll be making a new soundcloud for this to allow the uploads I receive and itll work like this:
Artist give me song --> I reply with the soundcloud username.
Then you can listen to the tracks or not.  It also promotes following the main theme in your own manner/style rather than hearing an example tune and trying to copy its style so itll fit better.  It'll be much more interesting since all the tunes with following a main theme, but one would be able to tell when listening who did what song (for the most part).

Neo Jersey

aight. well, I'm leaning toward the title screen or intro... or maybe credits. I'll mess around with some ideas and let you know for sure i wanna work on. also some of these are going to be really short, like a password screen may just be a 10 second loop. Obviously it can be longer than that , but usually they are relatively short simple songs. maybe some of them should be grouped together? like password AND character select... continue + game over. etc

San Francisco

I took a couple of minutes to make a song. problem is... i feel like it is too dark to be a megaman or tmnt style song.

wedanced wrote:

I took a couple of minutes to make a song. problem is... i feel like it is too dark to be a megaman or tmnt style song.

Flesh it out to be a final boss theme? tongue

Neo Jersey

just inadvertently made what i think might be good item shop screen music lol, I'll clean it up tomorrow and send to you and if you approve i guess mark me down for that. but can i do something else too?

Chepachet, Rhode Island

@Wedanced:  Send it to me or face the excruciating consequences.  I mean it.

@Hpizzle:  Shop screen ~'d
                 And feel free to write more.  I will grab at least 1 from each artist then will go from there when deciding who gets more depending on   
                 what other themes theyve done.

@Jredd:  Send me that shit and I'll check it out.  "Bonus stage" is a good idea.  If it fits that...then it's added to the list!

EDIT:  For those of you who have a larger presence than I do over at 8bc could you please recommend this comp to any TALENTED Acquaintances you've got over there.  I didn't make a thread over there for the sole reason of keeping this comp filled with high quality artists (whether new or old).  Doomsberry and I are tight since my blog post about him so I'll get in contact with him.  Would LOVE to have him put something together for us.

Last edited by 8-Bit-Rex (Jun 14, 2011 4:53 pm)


Beautiful, Doomsberry would make me so happy on this. I'm working on this logo sound...hard when your gameboy has no batteries to work with sad


I've got some people that'd be awesome for this. I'll try to get them on board smile.

Madison, Alabama
8-Bit-Rex wrote:

@Wedanced:  Send it to me or face the excruciating consequences.  I mean it.

@Hpizzle:  Shop screen ~'d
                 And feel free to write more.  I will grab at least 1 from each artist then will go from there when deciding who gets more depending on   
                 what other themes theyve done.

@Jredd:  Send me that shit and I'll check it out.  "Bonus stage" is a good idea.  If it fits that...then it's added to the list!

EDIT:  For those of you who have a larger presence than I do over at 8bc could you please recommend this comp to any TALENTED Acquaintances you've got over there.  I didn't make a thread over there for the sole reason of keeping this comp filled with high quality artists (whether new or old).  Doomsberry and I are tight since my blog post about him so I'll get in contact with him.  Would LOVE to have him put something together for us.

Sweet!  Doomsberry is one of the Great Underrated artists on 8bc, in my opinion.  (You know, along with all the other underrated peeps on 8bc...)

I've done a few tracks in the hopes of pulling something together for this, but I'm not so sure about them.  This style is kind of tough for me, apparently.  I'll keep plugging away at it, but I don't want to contribute if my tracks are crap!

Last edited by roboctopus (Jun 15, 2011 4:22 am)

Madison, Alabama

Speaking of me being unsure about composing in this style, would anyone like to take a listen to my tracks and give me CC or pointers?


I could if you'd like. PM them to me sometime smile.

Chepachet, Rhode Island
roboctopus wrote:

Speaking of me being unsure about composing in this style, would anyone like to take a listen to my tracks and give me CC or pointers?

I'll do it as well.  I had Andrew Kilpatrick tweak his a little bit and now it's perfect!  I could do the same for you no worries.

Rhode Island

Same here