as said here, … 76#p305776 yes you can use battery easily. The switch is already designed to change the music, but it's playing continuously. There are sometimes some glitches when changing music, probably the code could be optimised.

Here is a recording from the Xenon music:

It sounds pretty good in my opinion. It's only just a bit lower and slower than the Atari version because I haven't changed the default speed (I must reflash the chip, I bought two atmega8 chip but one seems defective, I've ordered more). Btw I made a mistake in my previous message, on spectrum it's 1.75 mhz, not 1 mhz.

I've made a quick dump of the music using Hatari emulator, to the YM format. I've only removed in the recording the part when the guy is talking, it cuts the music, and besides the samples don't work in the YM file.

(The ym dump is there if you want to compare:

In the future if I make a PCB, it'll be easier to have different versions on 2 different cards.

yes, it can play Atari ST tunes in YM format. It won't be able to play SNDH because they use different tricks (related to 68000 CPU) and not just register dumps. You can adjust the speed of the emulator to match the target system's speed (1 or 2 mhz depending if it's Spectrum or Atari st).
I'll try to record some Atari ST files soon.

It's not a very good idea to cross post your question on 3 different threads! You should delete the two other ones.

This being said, I'm using sd2iec with sidwizard, but honestly, I've only used it to load songs, and I haven't tried to save some at the moment. I could have a look soon.


(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

I've released my first Picoloop tune, I've put it there:

Picoloop is a really cool tool for making this kind of music, it's very easy to shape the sounds with it. I've still not managed to use nanoloop yet, I guess they are quite similar. The sound engines in Picoloop are quite coherent and mix good together. And very recently, the MOS SID engine has been added as well.


(8 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

It could also be a problem with the power supply: there are two different currents provided by a c64 psu, one for the C64 (5V DC), and one for... the SID chip (9V AC).

You can try to get a SwinSid replacement, I found one on ebay for a price lower than a real SID (I can't find any now on ebay though). It seems the swinsid doesn't rely on the 9V AC current and can be powered with the 5V dc part.

There is also the swinsid ultimate which sounds really cool, and is around the price of a normal SID:

AVRAY is basically a project for recreating the YM2149 / ay-3-8910 chip on an ATMEGA8 chip.

It is also:
- a arduino player for YM2149 / ay-3-8910
- a windows application for playing YM files (and supports many other related formats)
- the recreation of the AY chip inside an ATMEGA8 chip, which you can use also with an other arduino player. So you can stream YM / AY music from an sd card and make it work from a battery or solar power for example.

The homepage:

I've soldered a board with this emulator last week-end.

I'd like to make a PCB for making more boards like this. In this case, would some of you be interested in it? It's probably possible to turn this into a synth, but I don't think I'll have the knowledge for such a thing.

ATM it's only a sd card reader connected to the arduino which read the data (YM/AY files you can convert to the dedicated format), then pass it to the atmega8 (the sound chip recreating the ym2148)

Here is a new video I made with this board:

and a picture of it:

don't use the backup option (I think it save the whole content of the calc). Just transmit the ht2 file on the calc to your computer (just drag and drop). ht2util can only work on the original ROM. When you're working on a tune, I think the ROM just saves the data on itself.


(257 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Cool song. I see you've also released an album on Bandcamp:

Is it both with picoloop and nanoloop?

The quick reference PDF is meant to be printed and folded into your TI calc, that's the reason of the small form factor. I've made it for my own use. For the panning, the instructions on the top should be enough, shouldn't they (except it's very small)? I don't see more on my website (

The calc doesn't output at a very loud level, so if you use a headphone with high impedance, your calc shouldn't deliver enough voltage. Try to use low impedance headphones, such as earphones. On your portable recorder, isn't there a line-in? I guess you're using a microphone-in socket, which will be too sensitive.

Yeah, the reason might not be obvious, but the ht2 manual says:

    Always plug in headphones after you've started HT2.

Maybe a corrupt save? Have you tried saving again at a different state and re read that save on your computer?

That mod is amazing, so much patience for making the perfect gameboy!

rbino wrote:

Keep in mind that the cart memory is 64 Mega_BITS_, divided in 2 banks (32 Mega_BITS_ each), and 32 Megabits == 4 Megabytes, so the limit makes sense.

I assumed it was 2 banks of 32 M each, but for the megabit, i didn't know that. I thought it was Mbytes, like for how everyone count for storage capacity. On the other hand in France we write and say octet for byte, and bit for bit (but seldom use it, except for network speed), so whenever I read "megab*t*" I tend to read megabyte. Thanks for the clarification.

Thank you for the explanation. It'll be great if ems-qart can handle multi-rom. I noticed far below the limit of 64 Mo the ems-flasher complains about full cart when I transfert gbc roms. Around 4 Mo I can't send more... I don't know for classic .gb how many roms it can get before reaching the limit.

Anyway, for the ems-qart UI (which is great), it would make sense to have a smaller cart image, and add extra information below. Since there won't be like 60 roms in a cart (I guess), you could use scroll bars. Adding multiple roms could be also below the left image.
I've made a quick and dirty mockup:

Also by default on my system, the ems-qart window is quite huge (1050 px wide, 700 px high). I noticed also the images are probably in svg because if I make the window bigger, they can grow. So maybe the window could be more like 800x600 to fit on smaller screens (maybe it's the case, it depends on resolution?), or at least be able to reduce the size. Maybe it's also this size because my fonts are quite big. In this case, the "bank x Bank 1 [] bank 2" field could maybe wrap in the line below (even if it would look less nice this way)


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yeah, it looks very professional! I'm glad it's only a simulation...