Haha, sorry!
That track is pretty much: "quit complaining about your problems; the robots are coming for us soon," if that helps you feel better
"Starbucks doesn't have wifi" triggered me, but cool sounds! Good luck
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by QuietMind
Haha, sorry!
That track is pretty much: "quit complaining about your problems; the robots are coming for us soon," if that helps you feel better
"Starbucks doesn't have wifi" triggered me, but cool sounds! Good luck
Congrats on the release. Good stuff!
Here's a preview of the Mega Ran track:
I think the biggest advantage of using BGB is being able to quickly export each channel separately for mixing without added noise. Also more reliable.
I'm releasing an album of LSDJ/guitar/vocals chiptune rock this fall as Boy Meets Robot and running a Kickstarter to raise funds for mixing/mastering/production:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bo rock-album
The album is being engineered by Noam Wallenberg (co-producer of I Fight Dragons' last album) and features a guest appearance by Mega Ran.
I'd love for you to check it out and consider backing!
I've been using a PreSonus Firebox for a long time and still love it. If you want something newer and with more connections, I'd consider the Studio 192.
Emporium Arcade Bar in Chicago has lots of VGM and the occasional chip show. I've also seen chiptune at Quenchers Saloon, though it's a lot smaller. IFD has played Martyr's a few times, but I suspect they're harder to get booked at.
Okay, I found it! They were going to Users>Me>Library>Application Support>com.yourcompany.yourapp(bunch of random numbers)>drive_c.
Thanks for the help!
Anyone know how to use the wav writer function in BGB running through wine on a mac? I can turn it on in the options menu, but I don't see any wav files created in the BGB folder like when I've tried it on a windows machine.
Right now, I'm using Soundflower to record with Logic but would prefer to be able to record straight from BGB.
Vince Kaichan's Power Tricks includes LSDJ.sav
I believe both of Zef's solo albums include the .sav
Chipocrite's Wordplay has a puzzle in the liner notes that will lead you to a website to download the .sav and some other bonus stuff.
Tobokegao's most recent album includes the .sav
Searching through thousands of sounds inside infinite libraries isn't for me.
Agreed. If I try making electronic music in a DAW, I just end up spending hours swapping presets and fiddling with virtual knobs and don't actually write anything.
I think I like chiptune mainly because all the NES I played as a kid wired my brain to give me a hit of dopamine every time I hear a pulse wave.
Go watch everything here:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh0RVp xkeejoKvTg
And when you're ready for something more advanced, go here:
Niiice stuff, man. Thought I was listening to a famitracker jawn for a minute. Looking forward to final version!
Thanks! Got the echo idea from this Ap0c track: https://soundcloud.com/ap0c/4-unterbrec
Here's the rest of the Game Boy track: https://soundcloud.com/boymeetsrobot/in nicorn-wip.
I'm recording vocals and guitar this summer, and the album should be out in the fall.
Man that was a kickass song!
I've been working on doing single channel echo with noise instruments. Here's an example:
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by QuietMind