postage to uk is free according to paypal! Deal!
706 Feb 6, 2011 2:38 am
Re: EP cover (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
the point is, my foods okay at the minute. Obviously, not paying is not going to get the same kind of job as paying is. Im not saying that the final thing will look unprofessional at all, just that of course its not the highest of priorites.
Theres some old saying about wanting good work done quick costs money, good work wanted cheap takes time and cheap prices wanted quick results in poor work. Its damn true son.
707 Feb 5, 2011 7:04 pm
Re: EP cover (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
ah yes i do know what it means, its a strange feeling i get quite often, as if im looking into some deeper version of reality where unconnected stuff are really connected on some deep level we dont usually see. I am however aware that really its just me tripping because ive smoked too much bud, or thought too deeply about a particular thing.
Faith? in me? WOOOOT
first time for everything. But yeah man im a sick graphic designer (and so fucking modest)
Wanna PM me an email address?
708 Feb 5, 2011 6:53 pm
Re: EP cover (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
yes. have you any more detailed descriptions about what you want?
Is your music good? (dont worry i will find some and judge you myself! )
Can you send me cool shit in the post as some form of obscure payment?
Lol. but yeah im down
709 Feb 5, 2011 1:50 pm
Re: needed- small sd cards 64-256 ish mb (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
oh wow very kind of you arfink!
Ive just procured a number of 32mb cards, just waiting to make sure all is well with them before fully stocking up on these US ones or more of the ones i snagged.
710 Feb 4, 2011 8:50 pm
Re: needed- small sd cards 64-256 ish mb (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
it does indeed. uk ebays not got much on offer. thast guy ships to US only, im in England. Thanks for the effort though!
711 Feb 4, 2011 8:35 pm
Re: Starscream- Pegasus EP (26 replies, posted in Releases)
full length? siiick. i know this is totally unlikely, but I missed the space years, much to my horror and now am desolate inside. I was hoping you could maybe send me the artwork so that I may produce my own. Il happily pay for the privelige. I cant take not owning ti any more!
712 Feb 4, 2011 8:31 pm
Re: needed- small sd cards 64-256 ish mb (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I have a number of devices that only accept small cards, and more importantly hope to release an album or two on a totally stupid format. I need 25 minimum. up to 100 dependant on the price.
Can you help me?
713 Feb 4, 2011 7:16 pm
Topic: needed- small sd cards 64-256 ish mb (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
title says it all, larger memory cards have wiped these out these days. If you have any unused SD cards (full size pref rather than minis or micros) then il buy them off you! If you could send me somewhere where I can buy lots of them on the cheap I will send you various treats in the mail. Thanks
714 Feb 4, 2011 4:57 pm
Re: LF: Working SID 6581 (7 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Did you sort this? I have two for sale!
715 Feb 4, 2011 4:53 pm
Topic: NL 1.3 Blue Dmg/c64c + mssiah/ 1040mb ste, yamaha fb0, casio sk100 (10 replies, posted in Trading Post)
nanoloop 1.3
Blue DMG
commodore (c64c- the one without the brown keys- has 8580 r5 sid inside) with all leads, joystick and messiah, and a massive box of games including turrican and outrun if you want them, looking for about £75
atar1 ste 1040, fully maxed out ram, wires, mouse.fab condish £60?
yamaha fb01 multi timbral fm synth. same again, never got used. Got it for 50 and letting it go at £40
casio sk 100 sampling keyboard fo tradez
go2x cradle?? to add 4 usbs for a variety of uses. (controll pad---->cave shmups. mmmm)
not sure on the value of these now, all i know is it took me a long time of waiting to get hold of this.
i am looking to trade these items if possible. will accept cash if nothing can be arranged
i am in desperate need of a midi drum machine, something like a korg er-1 (something exactly like that in fact) or es-1, roland sp 404 etc, could add money to the deal if needs be.
Im in Yorkshire, UK for shipping.
716 Feb 3, 2011 7:07 pm
Re: $5 - KOOL SKULL: EAR SLIME - Physical Release (CDR) (14 replies, posted in Releases)
bought, sick as phuuuck. want to release it on tape? il help ya!
717 Jan 16, 2011 1:37 pm
Re: SOLD! (18 replies, posted in Trading Post)
mailed you yesterday morning re the arduinoboy!
718 May 24, 2010 10:35 am
Re: wtt/b 4 track tape recorder/ korg er-1/ gba sp/ midines (UK) (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
erm, well its worth less than even a single sid, possibly the cheapest thing ive listed. so nothing really! Id work it into some kind of multi trade tho!
719 May 23, 2010 12:59 pm
Re: Demoscene / IDM "crossover" artists (49 replies, posted in General Discussion)
team doyobi in my eyes are the daddies of tracker idm.
amiga primarily and now lots of SID too. theyre so good. not so sure what id reccomend to start with, just download or buy their entire catalogue and spend years soaking it all in. mmmm
also some great reccomendations here gaiz!
720 May 23, 2010 12:50 pm
Topic: wtt/b 4 track tape recorder/ korg er-1/ gba sp/ midines (UK) (2 replies, posted in Trading Post)
im looking to pick up a cheapish multi track tape recorder. something akin to a porta studio or those various yamaha 4-tracks ive used in the past (in fact especially one of those, i like them)
also, a midines, PAL preffered to avoid stressful tuning/ modding issues, though not essential i suppooose
a korg er-1
additionally, a gba sp on the cheap, condtion not important as long as it works, is lit and the buttons arnt gay
to trade I have a zx 48k speccy (with kempston mouse, and a loooad of preipherals) ,
a speccy i28 +2 (built in tape/ ay sound!) with RAM music machine MIDI sequencer/ midi enabled 8-bit sampler/ 8-bit delay!!, note, am only gonna swap this one for the midines)
a spare SID 6851 (or is that two? unsure),
a c64+ mssiah (8580 r5 sid inside)
a casio sk100 super duper sampling keyboard (gooogle eet)
a casio pt-30, which in all fairness is amazingly sweet, (most fully featured chord selctions than any of this type) however I have rinsed the sounds, sampled them, used them so much frankly i wouldnt care if i didnt hear one or a vl-1 ever again
a pss- 680 2 op fm synth (midi, midi drum module, 6 track sequence recorders etc)
mini kp which im in the process of swapping off a friend. I may be inclined to trade if it would make any difference to anyone!