Saskrotch wrote:Bit wish wrote:it's sort of hard to take constructive criticism when it's delivered with this much scorn.
it's sort of hard to give constructive criticism to something that's delivered with so little effort
and Bit Wish, just so that you don't just write off Saskrotch's remark as some kind of douchebag comment, i'm telling you right now that he and most everyone in this thread is 100% correct. I read your "article" and it was so haphazardly put together that i couldn't bother taking it seriously enough to analyze it in any detail. And i'd like to think i'm a pretty tolerant guy when it comes to this stuff.
Okay BW, read this next bit carefully. I have some suggestions for you that WILL absolutely make your life better, for yourself, and for the rest of us. I'm saying DO THESE THINGS RIGHT NOW and immediately your experience will improve dramatically.
1) Please, please stop doing any more of your little projects with the expectation that it's of any value to the chipmusic community. The article was a waste of our time, and even your time -- not because you wrote it, but because from the content of the article you clearly didn't have enough experience or knowledge to contribute anything substantial to the community. That's where you are right now, but that can change over time. Therefore....
2) ... Please be quiet for a while, don't post in any topics, and use the next few months to observe and learn. Many of your posts are inappropriate or don't make any logical sense, and the result is that it's confusing and angering a lot of the other people here. You clearly don't yet understand yet how to interact well in a community, so take some time to learn before you consider hopping back in. In the meantime, use this time to listen to more chipmusic, learn more about various techniques and platforms, and try to observe how people here might act in a way that results in good discussion.
3) Focus on writing music. Write more music. Over time, write better music. Post it here. Post it elsewhere. Just write more music. You'll feel better. You'll also naturally learn something new each time.
I'm serious man. do all the things above. You'll thank me later.