(104 replies, posted in Releases)

i second the removal of the Goku banner.  it just makes the site look amateurish, it's not really that funny, and makes it seem like it's not worth people's time. 

and a point related to web design in general.  for a site that purports to provide easy access to chipmusic resources and links, pretty much none of that is even visible on the site when you arrive to it.  None of the links even appear on the site until you go one page down.   The "Links Hub" is hidden away on another page.  Generally, a site should have the shortest path of resistance possible to what's being offered.  (Another reason why you should get rid of the Goku banner).

The links themselves are pretty good though, i think if you devote yourself to continuously maintaining a well-curated selection of links then it would prove a valuable resource to the chip community and those who want to get involved.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

rad stylings!!  awesome that you hopped back and forth between straight-up recreations and employing more chip-specific tropes.

btw totally dug your famicompo SMB cover, too.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

luckily, DS-10+ will allow you to fiddle around with synth/mixer stuff during song mode even on an older DS, unlike the original version of the DS-10 where you basically had to exit the song mode and kill the playback.  so, good news for you!


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

if i'm not mistaken, i believe you meant 32 Patterns, not 32 steps.  DS-10+ runs in a "dual mode" where you basically have access to two songs' worth of patterns.  but each pattern can only contain a maximum of 16 steps, no more.

the DS-10+ will run on an older DS, but it'll detect the older hardware and disable access to Dual Mode, essentially giving you the original DS-10 functionality.

btw you can trust me on this as i've written an entire album using a DS-10 smile

HECK YES vancouver.  thanks for coming by all the way here fellas!  feel free to hmu with any vancouver questions.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

once again, a staggering amount of great tuneage,... i don't think even the PA crew fully realizes what they had gotten from you.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

just thought i'd necrobump this here thread with some examples of KORG M01 work i had been working on, in case anyone wanted a better idea of what it's capable of and what it involves.

a little something i did for the Rokko Chan Soundtracks album:

a cover of the chrono trigger theme:

and here's an attempt at hair metal that i finished last night!  kinda veers off into 80's fusion territory at the end:

all in all, i've found the M01 to be uniquely powerful in terms of quickly sketching out song ideas, particularly when you have an idea beforehand of what all the parts (bass, melody, drums etc.) are gonna be like. 

but it takes a considerable amount of effort to get it to not sound like cheezy 80's/early 90's stuff, like pselodux said.  so you can choose to either embrace that sound, or just go back to FL or ableton or whatever other DAW you originally had in the first place.


(25 replies, posted in Releases)


cons: the highly suspect kerning between the "A" and "Y" in your bandcamp header image


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

vince, always dig your focused/confident songwriting and attention to structure - it's a quality that i find sorely lacking in a lot of other chip artists' music, the kind that tends to meander without any sense of the larger picture.  keep it up dawg!

what the hell, cali!  your huge sudden influx of chip persons as of late has been scary.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

i have modded + prosounded DMGs because i want the cleaner output, but i will admit that an equally prominent reason is because i like to have something iconic and glowy for others to gawk at.  to the audience, it just reads better from a distance.  i don't think it's shallow or anything to want that; it's a valid aspect of showmanship.

BUT i do 98% of my writing on my black GBA SP.  the main reason is that it's a much more discreet device to be writing on while on the commute. 

on many occasions i do like the sound of the SP because to me it sounds like it has a crisper and clearer mid/high-range, where a lot of my songwriting sits.

at the end of the day, i determine recording hardware on a song-by-song basis. but to date, no one has ever "called me out" for using an SP.

the SP seems to have a LOT of background noise though.  can anyone else confirm or deny this? any strategies for to mitigate this besides the ridiculously difficult prosounding process?


(16 replies, posted in Releases)

had a brief listen, will download later this evening.  overall a really cohesive and hard-hitting EP, great job marky mark!

"Lost Chords" was a nice surprise!  dig that shuffle.

btw, always impressed that you have one of the cleanest mixes around, especially given the massive bass throwdowns.

inb4 TI-8x chip scene documentary

and yes it can only ever be a binary choice

"what's better, to be content, or to have a game boy?"  GAME BOY ALWAYS GAME BOY, GOD

Q: Does most chipmusic suck?

A: Yes.

most "great" art, though, has involved finding ways to climb up from the overwhelming sea of mediocrity.  same with chipmusic.

i think the problem is that at least nowadays there aren't that many effective mechanisms to sift the gems from the crap. 

you only have a small handful of netlabels that implicitly serve that function, but even their usefulness is diluted right now by other netlabels that release too much middling stuff because they either a) operate way too inclusively out of a distorted sense of equality whereby all chip musicians deserve the same kind of attention, or b) simply have a low standard of quality.