some predictions / wishful hopes i have:
1) the absence of Blip will spur other geographical areas to action.
i don't know about everyone else but i personally had this (admittedly myopic) idea that NYC was the mecca of the chip scene, blessed with an unnatural and unique confluence of talent and culture that couldn't happen anywhere else, and that it was somehow supposed to stay that way.
and also, because there were a lot of pretty big events there, i felt i didn't need to have any responsibility of growing/promoting chipmusic locally or elsewhere. but i also realized that Blip going on hiatus isn't really reflective of "chipmusic dying in a particular area" or anything - it's just the organizational engine that needed to pause and/or recuperate.
that's when i realized that in a way, the function of NYC was not to be some kind of impenetrable stronghold for chipmusic but rather as a "successful case study" in how a chip community could be cultivated elsewhere. and i think a lot of it has to do simply with logistics -- that is, people who are dedicated in organizing chip events, seeing them through, and building on that momentum.
2) there will be a new central music sharing hub (but it won't be 8bc)
there's a need for a place that can effectively catalogue the flow of new chipmusic. it doesn't even need to have hosting capabilities. we need this so that we don't overlook any new + good music, but to also have a honeypot where sucky noobs can post with the impression that their stuff is being seen.
Even if 8bc does come back, it'll either serve as that noob honeypot, or it'll eventually fade into obscurity once people start figuring out wher the reputable artists look to for their music.
3) some kind of online streaming ecosystem.
we're starting to see more streaming shows which is awesome. people will have more opportunities to share, teach and provide insight in a live format. i think it'll add more transparency and vitality to how chipmusic is disseminated to the web.
4) people will be dissatisfied by online streaming
there'll be a point where people realize just doing streamed shows is nowhere near as fun as having a live in-person chip event. this will further motivate the urge to set up shows.
5) the Caribbean chip scene will grow to unimaginable heights
6) a new 16-bit wave
with the rise of trackers with FM capabilities, and with GenMDM gaining maturity, we'll see a lot more of a consistent FM-based community.
7) some killer mobile app/tool that can help spur sharing and communication between chip folk (although twitter already does a pretty good job of that)
8) eventually, a more balanced media perspective on chiptune.
someone will finally make the connection that chipmusic is not "videogame music". that someone will be Fox News LOL