Hey everyone, just letting you all know that against my better judgement i decided to flick on my ustream channel:


my buddy daiteng is in town - he's a japanese DS-10/M01 player who is well known for glitchy/noisy soundscapes and other hackery. 

we'll be streaming for the next couple of hours maybe?  we've got some DS's armed with DS-10, M01, plus a Monotron Delay and anything else that may produce sounds.   anyway, check it out if you like.

EDIT: stream video recordings! we managed to travel everywhere from triphop to -> dnb -> ambient -> "dream" "metal" -> chill -> apocalyptic wall-of-sound chipnoise destruction.

from this morning:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

from last night (sorry for the choppiness due to my setup noobness):
Part 2/2
(Part 1 inexplicably has no sound at all so i won't bother posting it)


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

justinthursday wrote:

I could sell you a case for $30 plus shipping.
Also you can super-glue your screw posts back together if needed and then drill out the center with a tiny drill bit.

nice tip about the screw posts.  can't be bothered to go to such lengths to fix my old case though smile  at least, not for the moment.

anyway, let's talk; in private; in a dark alleyway.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've been playing around with the M01 since i picked it up in Japan last fall (the Japanese M01 community was SUPER generous to give a couple of copies to me as a gift) I'm almost finished one of my tunes and i'll post it up as an example of what can be done.

since the M01 is sample-based, you really can't do much to shape the sounds.  also, you can't have effects like vibrato or pitch bending or any other kind of modulation, which really limits how expressive you can be.  So, many M01 songs end up sounding like simplistic MIDI tunes.

But that's not to say that M01 tunes categorically suck -- you just have to make sure your composition skills and technique are good enough to offset the limitations.  if you've had lots of experience with sample-based trackers, then congratulations, you have a headstart.

This EP (an official compilation released by the M01 makers) is a good example of how M01 handles electronic/techno styles:


(190 replies, posted in Collaborations)

what's all this talk about battles and hardcore?  why y'all gotta be all adversarial and things?


vancouverite here.  big ups on getting a monthly show going!

i think i might like to perform there once every now and then.

edit: oh shite, email.  yeah expect one of those soon.


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Dot.AY wrote:
bryface wrote:

remember seapunk fellas?  thank god that's over

ITS ONLY THE BEGINNING -----> http://generationbass.com/2012/03/11/se … y-a-thing/


actually i do appreciate the whole aesthetic to be honest.   seapunk is my guilty pleasure.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Hmm, right.  I would be willing to pay up to, let's say, $30 USD for a clear case, though that amount could be negotiable depending on demand and rarity.

TrebleChild:  i'm not as keen as picking up a whole clearboy from ebay for exactly the reasons you mentioned, it makes more sense for me to just replace my case.  in fact it's a necessity now since my DMG's grey case is pretty much broken (the plastic holes for the screws have cracked loose, making it impossible for me to fasten both halves together with the screws).

and yes, i'm already keeping an eye on kitsch's custom cases and should they become available, i'm totally picking one up.  but of course, my preference is to get my hands on a clearboy case,


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

remember seapunk fellas?  thank god that's over


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

oh and also, if you do help me find a clear DMG case, my next LSDJ song i will dedicate to you, as if from a lover.


(10 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Alright, anybody know who might be willing to part with a clear DMG case?   That is all.

In case this is a stupid question, pretend that I have even greater need for a DMG case made out of rare mammoth ivory.


(67 replies, posted in Releases)

album of the eon

definitely one of the better segments i've seen.  most other video spots seem totally clueless or have the condescending tone of "snicker snicker look at these dorks".  this one seems to show an appropriate level of reverence for the scene / the artform / aussie artists.

way to go fellas


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

link to the old hotness

herr_prof wrote:

I use it to start inane forum topics.

a column demystifying the Synth screen parameters would be super valuable if anyone can provide one.  i'd like to think i know enough about synthesis  to understand what each param does, but working the values and getting predictable results can still be a damn frustrating piece of alchemy.

well it depends on your definition of "quality" right? i do think that even though music is a subjective experience, it's still possible to identify objective components to a song that contribute to its subjective enjoyment (or lack thereof)..

in my mind, the "quality" of a song involves the following:

1) does the song have strong sense of melody?
2) how much sense does the song make, harmonically?
3) how interesting is it rhythmically?
4) the interplay of components 1-3 -- How complex was it?  How much effort was put into it? Did it achieve the composer's intent?
5) X-factor: did the artist try to evoke something in the song?  how well did he/she convey it?  how did i feel after listening to the song?

My favourite songs have all of the above elements.  But not all of the above elements needs to be satisfied, or even be present, to qualify a song as one that i like.  A song could just be a simple melody, or have a minimalistic rhythm, but still be good.  or it could just be a 10-minute drum solo.  or it could be a joke song that made me laugh because the artist knew what it took to make me laugh.

Bad Music, to me, is flat-out Bad because it violates one of the above elements.  An otherwise good song can be utterly ruined by ANY ONE of the following:
- a repetitive, cheesy or boring melody. 
- using chords/progressions that don't make sense.
- typical, uninspiring rhythm, or a beat that fails to adequately keep time
- all the melody/harmony/rhythm is there but there's no harmonic/rhythmic interplay between them at all
- maybe all the elements are technically there, but i just got the feeling that the artist over-composed the song.  or the song, for all its technical prowess, was ultimately uninspiring.

so there you have it folks, the yardstick with which i dispense severe hatred towards tunes and people