P.S. if anyone ever finds this man alive, please let me know:
He's just what we're looking for. Perfection.
The best part is when he almost smiles.
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ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by TristEndo-in-spacebutt
P.S. if anyone ever finds this man alive, please let me know:
He's just what we're looking for. Perfection.
The best part is when he almost smiles.
run of the mill creativity WAAAAAA.
J Arfur Keenz:
Your challenge is to create the first level theme for a Space shooter staring the great opera winfrey. There must be various bit crushed sound clips of opera winfrey interupting the hot shump action of you fast paces simulated gameboy shread guitar. the song must contain 4 solo sections including a one minute drum solo. all must happen for no reason some time in the composition. I cant wait to see if you accept such a wild challenge.
If your proud of it release it, if your not fix what you feel needs improvement. Your worst enemy is self doubt. Knowing you enjoy what you make is more spectacular than jimmi hendrix rising from the grave to say he loves the riff on the chorus of song 3.
how about deep ambient sound textures derived from howard finkle announcing that hulk hogan lost to the ultimate warrior?
Chip-con: The greatest unintentional pun in ages.
Sivak is great. He had said he was inspired by that game. He is working on a new project now. You should check out his Youtube channel for periodic updates.
can i invite you to zan zan zawa veias compo?
They are all just loops some of it is way shorter than others. Thanks for giving it a listen.
some good songs from my 30 songs 30 days thing hope u likey all 2a03 nes some songs feature the vrc6 expansion chip. Features such songs as Mermaid and stroll in the park with my best friends(featured in this video)
This is a collection of Ohc's i fixed up. all/most where made in the last week of 2009 in an #botb ohc frenzy. All tracks made using milky tracker
with genesis samples.
Zan-zan-zawa-butt wrote:i would consider writing a fake tristendo song
ps. tristendo is the best chiptuner
tristendo should do a fake zzzv song, just for lols
it would be like a tracing paper flag surviving a huricane if i could pull off a zanzanstyle song. Im up for that challenge.
regular keff work, AS USUAL--AMAAAAAZEEEENG
sweet. maybe some time you should join a botb gfx ohc.
ChipMusic.org / Forums / Posts by TristEndo-in-spacebutt