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Topics by ScanianWolf
Posts found: 49-61 of 61
What's your flashcart? You need to alter the LSDJ rom and add your kit to it, then upload this new rom file to your flashcart.
There's a good editor written in java for this
But it's recommended that you limit the bandwidth of your samples and raise the levels before writing them to your custom rom file
Oh YES! This song makes me wanna run out and party all night. Love this type of uplifting minimal for dancing!
Tight! I really like how well you blend that drum machine with bleeps and synths! Love those tunes!
I find it OK, not particularly interesting and not enough work is put on the details.
I completely agree with those ridiculous brightness buttons.
shitbird wrote:warning, There's not much room for more components. I had to break the inside of the case to get the rcas to fit on top. Also had to shorten and bend the prongs a little.
I'll keep that in mind, thanks! I have some really slim 1/8" jacks laying around and I think they'll do fine in the tight space. No bulky RCAs for me. But I'm also gonna leave the original GBA shell untouched and buy an aftermarket one.. They're pretty cheap and then if I mess up it wouldn't be a big deal.
scannerboy wrote:R30 and R31 are basically the same points but on the other side of the PCB. Its just a matter of convenience
That explains a lot! Thanks for clarifying that!
scannerboy wrote:Also I use a super easy version of the prosound. You just remove 2 components to disconnect the amp from the output jack, and then you solder 2 wires to connect the cpu pins to the output.
If you dont like the prosound you just have to remove the wires and bridge the 2 components that you have removed.
Those are some great protips! Thanks a lot!
I personally think I'm gonna go for a separate 1/8" output jack and drill a hole in the case because I'm gonna order parts (backlit screen, shell etc.) so that I can do it all at once.
I got this image from a friend that he dug up from some old facebook thread where Joe Bleeps shows his GBA prosound mod:
But I've heard conflicting information about those points, I've read somewhere here on the forums that points R30 and R31 are supposed to be pre-pot that one should solder to for a prosound mod.. Yours and Joes pictures seem more legit!
Edit: Gosh I'm blind, I just saw now that you highlighted the same points as Joe Bleeps.
scannerboy wrote:Regarding the noise. The best results I got were from soldering a 1000uf cap to both sides of C44 - - its beneath the big cap. I dont remeber the polarity tough
That capacitor in conjunction with a prosound mod I assume?
Would a 10Volts 1000uf capacitor do the trick or could I go even lower in voltage to avoid having a cap that's too big for the case ?
The GBA RCA/Pro-Sound mod is something I've been telling myself to do for a goood while now. I'm mainly composing on Nanoloop 2.7 which doesn't have the noise modification that oliver added to the later 2.8 versions and I really don't feel like updating.
I also really need to order a replacment GBA SP screen on ebay or aliexpress do that AGB screen mod to get a backlight because otherwise it's just not possible to handle live.. I had to use my DS Lite in my last set just to be able to see.
Has anyone got any experience with these two mods together? Does the backlit screenmod interfere with the sound any?
I can only say... WOW! What an astonishing work!
Huge respect to pselodux for this great initiative and putting it all together!
I've already listened through it once and I can't wait to have some more time to get absorbed by these amazing tracks on some good speakers!
Christmas vacation is gonna be great for that!
Once again, thanks to everyone that participated to make this release and I'm proud to be a part of this compilation with all of you talented musicians!
Have a great Sunday!
/Scanian Wolf
pselodux wrote:Yeah this is nearly 6 hours long, with a couple of submissions still to come. A few tracks don't really fit in with the rest of the compilation, but I'm tempted to keep them in anyway, just because the grand scale of it is impressive.
I definitely see why a seamless compilation is desirable in the long-form 'genre'. Although I personally often like some 'out of the blue' -tracks on compilation albums which kind of makes you listen more attentively to everything.. Well I know 6h is a lot. But I'd say go with the misfits anyway. I'm curious to see how it all comes together. But of course, you know the tracks and the flow better than anyone else so you should definitely do exactly as you prefer. I admire you for taking the making of such a compilation upon yourself!
I manage to get an audio interface last minute to be able to record my dear-old GBA.
My submission is finally sent!
Gear used:
GBA Classic (AGB-001)
keeping it real on my favourite flavour: 2.7.6
Track composed exclusively for this collaboration.
No EQ, no compression, no effects.
Track is sent unmastered so that you have more headroom to master it tightly and in harmony with the other tracks.
Best regards
Scanian Wolf
This is great Oliver! Although I have two questions...
Does any of your recently posted hardware 'mods' still apply or are they redundant with this new anti-noise in 2.8 ?
I have a couple of songs made on 2.7.6 that completely change when updating to any superior version.. So I've actually downgraded back to 2.7.6 to keep my songs in harmony. If I update to 2.8 without updating the waveforms, will my songs sound the same as on 2.7.6 but profit from the denoise ?
I just submitted a rather sad track here on the site and then I just happened to see this thread.. I hope GBA chiptunes works for you...
or if you prefer it on SoundCloud
Posts found: 49-61 of 61 / Forums / Posts by ScanianWolf